The Cambridge Companion to Modern Arab Culture (Cambridge Companions to Culture)

The Cambridge Companion to Modern Arab Culture (Cambridge Companions to Culture)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 4/2/2015
EAN 9780521898072, ISBN10: 0521898072

Hardcover, 352 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Dwight F. Reynolds brings together a collection of essays by leading international scholars to provide a comprehensive and accessible survey of modern Arab culture, from the early nineteenth to the twenty-first century. The chapters survey key issues necessary to any understanding of the modern Arab World: the role of the various forms of the Arabic language in modern culture and identity; the remarkable intellectual transformation undergone during the 'Nahda' or 'Arab Renaissance' of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the significant role played by ethnic and religious minorities, and the role of law and constitutions. Other chapters on poetry, narrative, theatre, cinema and television, art, architecture, humour, folklore, and food offer fresh perspectives and correct negative stereotypes that emerge from viewing Arab culture primarily through the lens of politics, terrorism, religion, and economics.

Modern Arab culture
introductory remarks Dwight F. Reynolds
1. The question of language Kristen Brustad
2. Religious and ethnic minorities Andrew D. Magnusson
3. Nahda
the Arab project of enlightenment Yoav Di-Capua
4. Law Joseph E. Lowry
5. Poetry Shawkat M. Toorawa
6. Narrative Mushin Al-Musawi
7. Music Scott Marcus
8. Cinema and television Andrew Hammond
9. Theatre Dina Amin
10. Art Nuha N. N. Khoury
11. Architecture Nasser Rabbat
12. Humour Devin Stewart
13. Folklore Dwight F. Reynolds
14. Food and cuisine Juan E. Campo and Magda Campo
15. Migration and diaspora Christina Civantos
Guide to further reading