The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers

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Richard Lee
Cambridge University Press, 3/10/2005
EAN 9780521609197, ISBN10: 0521609194

Paperback, 536 pages, 27.9 x 21.6 x 3.1 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Hunting and gathering is humanity's first and most successful adaptation. Until 12,000 years ago, all humanity lived this way. Surprisingly, in an increasingly urbanized and technological world dozens of hunting and gathering societies have persisted and thrive worldwide, resilient in the face of change, their ancient ways now combined with the trappings of modernity. The Encyclopedia is divided into three parts. The first contains case studies, by leading experts, of over fifty hunting and gathering peoples, in seven major world regions. There is a general introduction and an archaeological overview for each region. Part II contains thematic essays on prehistory, social life, gender, music and art, health, religion, and indigenous knowledge. The final part surveys the complex histories of hunter-gatherers' encounters with colonialism and the state, and their ongoing struggles for dignity and human rights as part of the worldwide movement of indigenous peoples.

Foreword Beatrice Medicine
foragers and others Richard B. Lee and Richard Daly
Part I. Ethnographies
I.I North America
Introduction Harvey A. Feit
Archaeology Aubrey Cannon
Blackfoot/Plains Alice B. Kehoe
James Bay Cree Harvey A. Feit
Slavey Dene Michael Asch and Shirleen Smith
Innu José Mailhot
Caribou Inuit Ernest S. Burch Jr and Yvon Csonka
Inupiat Rosita Worl
Timbisha Shoshone Catherine S. Fowler
Witsuwite'en and Gitxsan Richard Daly
I.II South America
Introduction Laura M. Rival
Archaeology Anna C. Roosevelt
Aché Kim Hill and A. Magdalena Hurtado
Cuiva Bernard Arcand
Huaorani Laura M. Rival
Sirionó William Balée
Toba Gastón Gordillo
Yamana Hernán J. Vidal
I.III North Eurasia
Introduction Victor A. Shnirelman and Bruce Grant
Archaeology Victor A. Shnirelman
Ainu Tom G. Svensson
Chuckhi and Yupik Peter P. Schweitzer
Evenki David G. Anderson
Itenm'i Victor A. Shnirelman
Iukagir Anton M. Ivanov
Ket Evgeniia A. Alekseenko
Khanti Evdokiia A. Nemysova, Dennis Bartels and Alice Bartels
Nia (Nganasan) Andrei V. Golovnev
Nivkh Bruce Grant
I.IV Africa
Introduction Robert K. Hitchcock
Archaeology Peter Robertshaw
Aka Pygmies Serge Bahuchet
/Gui and//Gana Jiro Tanaka and Kazuyoshi Sugawara
Hadza Bwire Kaare and James Woodburn
Ju'hoansi Megan Biesele and Kxao Royal-/o//oo
Mbuti Mitsuo Ichikawa
Mikea Robert L. Kelly, Jean-François Rabedimy and Lin Poyer
Okiek Corinne A. Kratz
Tyua Robert K. Hitchcock
I.V South Asia
Introduction Nurit Bird-David
Archaeology Kathleen Morrison
Andaman Islanders Vishvajit Pandya
Birhor Ashim K. Adhikary
Chenchu Mark Turin
Nayaka Nurit Bird-David
Paliyan Peter M. Gardner
Hill Pandaram Brian Morris
Winniyala-aetto Wiveca Stegeborn
I.VI SouthEast Asia
Introduction Kirk Endicott
Archaeology Peter Bellwood
Agta P. Bion Griffin and Marcus B. Griffin
Batak James F. Eder
Batek Kirk Endicott
Dulong Encheng Song and Chen Shen
Jahai Cornelia M. I. Van Der Sluys
Western Penan J. Peter Brosius I.VII Australia
Introduction Nicolas Peterson
Archaeology M. A. Smith
Arrente John Morton
Cape York peoples David F. Martin
Kimberley peoples Sandy Toussaint
Ngarrindjeri Robert Tonkinson
Pintupi Fred R. Myers
Tiwi Jane C. Goodale
Torres Strait Islanders Jeremy Beckett
Warlpiri Françoise Dussart
Yolngu Ian Keen
Part II. Special Topic Essays
II.I Hunter-gatherers, History and Social Theory
Images of hunters and gatherers in European social thought Alan Barnard
Archaeology and evolution of hunters and gatherers Andrew B. Smith
Hunter-gatherers and the mythology of the market John Gowdy
On the social relations of the hunter-gatherer band Tim Ingold
II.II Facets of hunter-gatherer life in cross cultural perspective
Gender relations in hunter-gatherer societies Karen L. Endicott
Ecological/cosmological knowledge and land management among hunter-gatherers Catherine S. Fowler and Nancy J. Turner
From totemism to shamanism
hunter-gatherer contributions to world mythology and spirituality Mathias Guenther
From primitive to pop
foraging and post-foraging hunter-gatherer music Victor Barac
Traditional and modern visual art of hunting and gathering peoples Howard Morphy
Hunter-gatherers and human health S. Boyd Eaton, Stanley B. Eaton III
II.III Hunter-gatherers in a global world
The Tasaday controversy Gerald D. Berreman
Hunter-gatherers and the colonial encounter John H. Bodley
Hunter-gatherer peoples and nation-states David S. Trigger
Indigenous peoples' rights and the struggle for survival Robert K. Hitchcock
Indigenous peoples' organizations and advocacy groups

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