The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Science

The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Science

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 7/19/2012
EAN 9780521871419, ISBN10: 0521871417

Hardcover, 348 pages, 24.8 x 17.1 x 1.9 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Cognitive science is a cross-disciplinary enterprise devoted to understanding the nature of the mind. In recent years, investigators in philosophy, psychology, the neurosciences, artificial intelligence, and a host of other disciplines have come to appreciate how much they can learn from one another about the various dimensions of cognition. The result has been the emergence of one of the most exciting and fruitful areas of inter-disciplinary research in the history of science. This volume of original essays surveys foundational, theoretical, and philosophical issues across the discipline, and introduces the foundations of cognitive science, the principal areas of research, and the major research programs. With a focus on broad philosophical themes rather than detailed technical issues, the volume will be valuable not only to cognitive scientists and philosophers of cognitive science, but also to those in other disciplines looking for an authoritative and up-to-date introduction to the field.

List of figures and tables
Notes on contributors
Introduction Keith Frankish and William M. Ramsey
Part I. Foundations
1. History and core themes Adele Abrahamsen and William Bechtel
2. The representational theory of mind Barbara Von Eckardt
3. Cognitive architectures Paul Thagard
Part II. Aspects of Cognition
4. Perception Casey O'Callaghan
5. Action Elisabeth Pacherie
6. Human learning and memory Charan Ranganath, Laura A. Libby and Ling Wong
7. Reasoning and decision making Mike Oaksford, Nick Chater and Neil Stewart
8. Concepts Gregory L. Murphy and Aaron B. Hoffman
9. Language Ray Jackendoff
10. Emotion Jesse Prinz
11. Consciousness William G. Lycan
Part III. Research Programs
12. Cognitive neuroscience Dominic Standage and Thomas Trappenberg
13. Evolutionary psychology H. Clark Barrett
14. Embodied, embedded, and extended cognition Andy Clark
15. Animal cognition Sara J. Shettleworth