The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory: Volume II: Contemporary Theories and Issues: Volume 2 (The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory 2 Volume Hardback Set)

The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory: Volume II: Contemporary Theories and Issues: Volume 2 (The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory 2 Volume Hardback Set)

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Cambridge University Press, 12/17/2020
EAN 9781107162693, ISBN10: 1107162696

Hardcover, 496 pages, 25.7 x 19.8 x 3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This ambitious two-volume handbook of social theory consists of forty original contributions. The researchers take stock of the state of social theory and its relationship to the canon, exploring such topics as the nature, purpose, and meaning of social theory; the significance of the classics; the impact of specific individual and theory schools; and more. Both volumes reflect a mixture of what intellectual historian Morton White distinguished as the 'annalist of ideas' and the 'analyst of ideas,' locating theoretical thought within the larger socio-historical context that shaped it - within the terrain of the sociology of knowledge. Exploring the contemporary relevance of theories in a manner that is historically situated and sensitive, this impressive and comprehensive set will likely stand the test of time.

1. Rational choice theory and methodological individualism Karl-Dieter Opp
2. Network theories Mark C. Pachucki and Ronald L. Breiger
3. Cultural sociology Michael Strand and Lyn Spillman
4. Identity Peter Burke
5. Emotions theory Donileen R. Loseke and Margarethe Kusenbach
6. Theorizing sex/gender
feminist social theory Shelley Budgeon
7. Intersectionality as critical social theory Patricia Hill Collins
8. Modernity Peter Wagner
9. Realism Timothy Rutzou
10. Globalization
not good, bad, or over Sheila Croucher
11. Time/space Kevin Fox Gotham
12. Social theory in the anthropocene
ecological crisis and renewal Robert J. Antonio and Brett Clark
13. Embodiment Chris Shilling
14. Sexualities Stephen Valocchi
15. Multiculturalism Christian Joppke
16. Risk Klaus Rasborg
17. Trust and the variety of its bases Barbara A. Misztal
18. Unity's within conflict
mapping biology's relevance to sociological theory Douglas A. Marshall
19. Civil society Simon Susen
20. Social movements
sequences vs. fuzzy temporality Kevin Gillan
21. Immigration Ewa Morawska.