The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought: Volume 2, The Twentieth Century

The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought: Volume 2, The Twentieth Century

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Cambridge University Press, 8/29/2019
EAN 9781107097780, ISBN10: 1107097789

Hardcover, 594 pages, 23.6 x 16.4 x 3.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought is an authoritative and comprehensive exploration of the themes, thinkers and movements that shaped our intellectual world in the late-eighteenth and nineteenth century. Representing both individual figures and the contexts within which they developed their ideas, each essay is written in a clear accessible style by leading scholars in the field and offers both originality and interpretive insight. This second volume surveys twentieth-century European intellectual history, conceived as a crisis in modernity. Comprised of twenty-one chapters, it focuses on figures such as Freud, Heidegger, Adorno and Arendt, surveys major schools of thought including Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Conservatism, and discusses critical movements such as Postcolonialism, , Structuralism, and Post-structuralism. Renouncing a single 'master narrative' of European thought across the period, Peter E. Gordon and Warren Breckman establish a formidable new multi-faceted vision of European intellectual history for the global modern age.

1. Sociology and the heroism of modern life Martin Jay
2. Psychoanalysis
Freud and beyond Katja Guenther
3. Modern physics
from crisis to crisis Jimena Canales
4. Varieties of phenomenology Dan Zahavi
5. Existentialism and the meanings of transcendence Edward Baring
6. Philosophies of life Giuseppe Bianco
7. The many faces of analytical philosophy Joel Isaac
8. American ideas in the European imagination James T. Kloppenberg and Sam Klug
9. Revolution from the right
against equality Udi Greenberg
10. Western Marxism
revolutions in theory Max Pensky
11. Anti-imperialism and interregnum Kris Manjapra
12. Late modern feminist subversions
sex, subjectivity, and embodiment Sandrine Sanos
13. Modernist theologies
the many paths between God and world Peter E. Gordon
14. Modern economic thought and the 'good society' Hagen Schulz-Forberg
15. Conservatism and its discontents Steven B. Smith
16. Modernity and the specter of totalitarianism Samuel Moyn
17. Decolonization terminable and interminable Judith Surkis
18. Structuralism and the return of the symbolic Camille Robcis
19. Poststructuralism
from deconstruction to the genealogy of power Julian Bourg and Ethan Kleinberg
20. Contesting the public sphere
within and against critical theory David Ingram
21. Restructuring democracy and the idea of Europe Seyla Benhabib and Stefan Eich.