The New Multinationals: Spanish Firms in a Global Context

The New Multinationals: Spanish Firms in a Global Context

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Mauro F. Guillén, Esteban García-Canal
Cambridge University Press, 9/23/2010
EAN 9780521516143, ISBN10: 0521516145

Hardcover, 238 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.4 cm
Language: English

A new breed of multinational companies is reshaping competition in global industries. For most of the 19th and 20th centuries, multinational firms came from the most technologically advanced countries in the world. Over the last two decades, however, new multinational firms from upper-middle-income economies (e.g. Spain, Ireland, Portugal, South Korea, and Taiwan), developing countries (e.g. Egypt, Indonesia, and Thailand), and oil-rich countries (e.g. United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Russia, and Venezuela) have become formidable global competitors. These firms do not necessarily possess technological or marketing skills. In contrast to the classic multinationals, they found strength in their ability to organize, manage, execute, and network. They pursued a variety of strategies including vertical integration, product diversification, learning by doing, exploration of new capabilities, and collaboration with other firms. This book documents this phenomenon, identifies key capabilities of the new multinationals, and provides a new conceptual framework to understand its causes and implications.

List of figures
List of tables
1. The new multinationals
2. Traditional and new multinationals
3. Diversification and vertical integration in traditional industries
4. Market access and technology in durable consumer goods
5. Serving global customers in producer goods
6. Learning by doing in infrastructure and financial services
7. Competing in hard and soft services
8. Toward a new theory of the multinational enterprise

'The new multinationals are fundamentally different from old ones because they face entrenched multinational incumbents. Mauro F. Guillén and Esteban García-Canal provide fascinating insights into how these new multinationals have nonetheless managed to emerge in a broad range of country contexts.' Pankaj Ghemawat, Anselmo Rubiralta Chair of Global Strategy, IESE Business School