The Political Economy of Public Sector Governance

The Political Economy of Public Sector Governance

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Anthony Michael Michael Bertelli
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 5/24/2012
EAN 9780521736640, ISBN10: 0521736641

Paperback, 220 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

In The Political Economy of Public Sector Governance, Anthony Michael Bertelli introduces core ideas in positive political theory as they apply to public management and policy. Though recent literature that mathematically models relationships between politicians and public managers provides insight into contemporary public administration, the technical way these works present information limits their appeal. This book helps readers understand public-sector governance arrangements and the implications these arrangements have for public management practice and policy outcomes by presenting information in a non-technical way.

1. Introduction
2. Methodological foundations
3. The power of the purse
4. Delegation and discretion
5. Contracts and partnerships
6. Responsibility and good governance.