The Public International Law of Trade in Legal Services (Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law)
Cambridge University Press, 11/8/2018
EAN 9781108423526, ISBN10: 1108423523
Hardcover, 272 pages, 22.9 x 16 x 1.8 cm
Language: English
This book examines the international legal regime covering trade in legal services. While legal services are a vital component of the economies of many developed and emerging countries, they remain poorly liberalized with numerous restrictions undermining market access for foreign suppliers. Although some modern bilateral and regional trade agreements have begun to address barriers to trade in legal services, few go beyond the basic commitments of non-discrimination and transparency contained in the WTO GATS. This book approaches the pressing need to open the global market for trade in legal services across the four modes of supply: cross border, consumption abroad, commercial presence and temporary movement of natural persons. It considers changes under way within the legal profession brought about by alternative business structures and technology. Both underscore the importance of reconceptualizing trade in legal services as one that should be as open as possible with a view to maximizing competition while safeguarding the needs of clients.
1. Introduction
the globalization and regulation of legal services
2. The international legal framework governing trade in legal services
3. Import restrictions on trade in legal services
cross border supply
4. Consumption abroad and export restrictions on trade in legal services
5. Import restrictions on trade in legal services
commercial presence
6. Import restrictions on trade in legal services
movement of natural persons
7. Domestic regulation and mutual recognition of legal services
8. Conclusions and recommendations
towards a global future for legal services.