The Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of Personality
Cambridge University Press, 4/10/2008
EAN 9780521851794, ISBN10: 0521851793
Hardcover, 556 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 3 cm
Language: English
One of the major neuropsychological models of personality, developed by world-renowned psychologist Professor Jeffrey Gray, is based upon individual differences in reactions to punishing and rewarding stimuli. This biological theory of personality - now widely known as 'Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory' (RST) - has had a major influence on motivation, emotion and psychopathology research. In 2000, RST was substantially revised by Jeffrey Gray, together with Neil McNaughton, and this revised theory proposed three principal motivation/emotion systems: the 'Fight-Flight-Freeze System' (FFFS), the 'Behavioural Approach System' (BAS) and the 'Behavioural Inhibition System' (BIS). This is the first book to summarise the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of personality and bring together leading researchers in the field. It summarizes all of the pre-2000 RST research findings, explains and elaborates the implications of the 2000 theory for personality psychology and lays out the future research agenda for RST.
1. Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST)
introduction Philip J. Corr
2. The neuropsychology of fear and anxiety
a foundation for Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory Neil McNaughton and Philip J. Corr
3. Animal cognition and human personality Neil McNaughton and Philip J. Corr
4. The behavioural activation system
challenges and opportunities Alan D. Pickering and Luke D. Smillie
5. Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and personality Philip J. Corr and Neil McNaughton
6. Reinforcement sensitivity scales Rafael Torrubia, César ÃÂvila and Xavier Caseras
7. Performance and conditioning studies César ÃÂvila and Rafael Torrubia
8. Psychophysiological studies Vilfredo De Pascalis
9. Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and mood induction studies Rapson Gomez and Andrew Cooper
10. Neuro-imaging and genetics Martin Reuter
11. Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and psychosomatic medicine Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen
12. RST and clinical disorders
anxiety and depression Richard E. Zinbarg and K. Lira Yoon
13. RST and psychopathy
associations between psychopathy and the behavioral activation and inhibition systems John F. Wallace and Joseph P. Newman
14. Behavioural activation and inhibition in social adjustment Gennady G. Knyazev, Glenn D. Wilson and Helena R. Slobodskaya
15. Reinforcement sensitivity in the work-place
BIS/BAS in business Adrian Furnham and Chris Jackson
16. Formal and computational models of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory Alan D. Pickering
17. Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory
a critique from cognitive science Gerald Matthews
18. The contribution of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory to personality theory William Revelle.