The Scientific Papers of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor: Volume 4 (The Scientific Papers of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor 4 Volume Paperback Set)
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reissue, 1/26/2012
EAN 9780521158794, ISBN10: 0521158796
Paperback, 652 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 3.3 cm
Language: English
Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor (1886–1975) was a physicist, mathematician and expert on fluid dynamics and wave theory. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest physical scientists of the twentieth century. Across these four volumes, published between the years 1958 and 1971, Batchelor has collected together almost 200 of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor's papers. The papers of the first three volumes are grouped approximately by subject, with Volume IV collating a number of miscellaneous papers on the mechanics of fluids. Together, these volumes allow a thorough exploration of the breadth and diversity of Sir Geoffrey Taylor's interests within the field of fluid dynamics. At the end of Volume IV, Batchelor provides the reader with both a chronological list of the papers presented across all four volumes, and a list of Sir Geoffrey Taylor's other published articles, completing this truly invaluable research and reference work.
Editor's preface
Papers by G. I. Taylor
Consolidated list of papers published in volumes 1–4
Publications by G. I. Taylor not reprinted in these volumes
Papers G. I. Taylor
1. Interference fringes with feeble light
2. Motion of solids in fluids when the flow is not irrotational
3. Experiments with rotating fluids
4. The motion of a sphere in a rotating liquid
5. Stability of a viscous liquid contained between two rotating cylinders
6. The motion of ellipsoidal particles in a viscous fluid
7. On the decay of vortices in a viscous fluid
8. Experiments on the motion of solid bodies in rotating fluids
9. The bursting of soap-bubbles in a uniform electric field with C. T. R. Wilson
10. The viscosity of a fluid containing small drops of another fluid
11. The formation of emulsions in definable fields of flow
12. The holding power of anchors
13. Measurements with a half-pitot tube
14. Note on R. A. Bagnold's empirical formula for the critical water motion corresponding with the first disturbance of grains on a flat surface
15. The path of a light fluid when released in a heavier fluid which is rotating
16. Analysis of the swimming of microscopic organisms
17. The action of waving cylindrical tails in propelling microscopic organisms
18. Analysis of the swimming of long and narrow animals
19. Formation of a vortex ring by giving an impulse to a circular disc and then dissolving it away
20. An experimental study of standing waves
21. Dispersion of soluble matter in solvent flowing slowly through a tube
22. Conditions under which dispersion of a solute in a stream of solvent can be used to measure molecular diffusion
23. The two coefficients of viscosity for a liquid containing air bubbles
24. The action of a surface current used as a breakwater
25. Fluid flow between porous rollers with J. C. P. Miller
26. Fluid flow in regions bounded by porous surfaces
27. Fluid dynamics in a papermaking machine
28. The penetration of a fluid into a porous medium or hele-shaw cell containing a more viscous liquid with P. G. Saffman
29. A note on the motion of bubbles in a hele-shaw cell and porous medium with P. G. Saffman
30. The dynamics of thin sheets of fluid
I water bells
31. The dynamics of thin sheets of fluid
II waves on fluid sheets
32. The dynamics of thin sheets of fluid
III disintegration of fluid sheets
33. Formation of thin flat sheets of water
34. Deposition of viscous fluid on a plane surface
35. Deposition of a viscous fluid on the wall of a tube
36. On scraping viscous fluid from a plane surface
37. Standing waves on a contracting or expanding current
38. Cavitation of a viscous fluid in narrow passages
39. Disintegration of water drops in an electric field
40. The stability of a horizontal fluid interface in a vertical electric field with A. D. McEwan
41. Conical free surfaces and fluid interfaces
42. The force exerted by an electric field on a long cylindrical conduct conductor
43. The circulation produced in a drop by an electric field
44. Oblique impact of a jet on a plane surface
45. The peeling of a flexible strip attached by a viscous adhesive with A. D. McEwan
46. The coalescence of closely spaced drops when they are at different electric potentials
47. Instability of jets, threads, and sheets of viscous fluid
48. Motion of axisymmetrica bodies in viscous fluids
49. Electrically driven jets.