The Seasons and the Fisherman: A Book for Children
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reissue, 2/17/2011
EAN 9780521175944, ISBN10: 0521175941
Paperback, 84 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.5 cm
Language: English
The Seasons and the Fisherman was first published in 1941 as one in a series of Cambridge children's books related to the natural world. F. Fraser Darling provides a beautifully written account of the interaction between humanity and life underwater. This is combined with a large number of illustrations by the renowned naturalistic artist C. F. Tunnicliffe. The book has the dual purpose of educating and entertaining the young reader, a purpose that is achieved through conveying information in a highly readable, personal style. This is a delightful account that will enthral readers today, just as it did at the time of original publication.
Dedication and preface
Part I. The Waters and their Denizens
1. The primeval ocean
2. The waters of to-day
3. The pastures of the sea
4. Food chains
5. The shallows and the deeps
6. The tides
7. Light and dark
Part II. The Fresh Waters and Beyond
8. The brown trout of the streams
9. The ocean-going sea trout
10. The salmon
11. The life story of the eel
Part III. The Fishing at the Sea's Edge
12. Lobsters and crabs
13. Mussels and cockles, alive, alive-o
Part IV. The Warm-Blooded Beasts of the Sea
14. The great whales
15. Seals, north and south
Part V. The Fisheries of the Seas
16. The inshore fisheries
17. Trawlers of the dogger and of the deep seas
18. The herring
Part VI. The Fish and the People
19. The fishing ports
20. Science of the sea.