The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry

The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry

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Anthony David Edited by Tilo Kircher
Cambridge University Press, 8/7/2003
EAN 9780521803878, ISBN10: 052180387X

Hardcover, 496 pages, 25.5 x 17.9 x 3.2 cm
Language: English

In recent years the clinical and cognitive sciences and neuroscience have contributed important insights to understanding the self. The neuroscientific study of the self and self-consciousness is in its infancy in terms of established models, available data and even vocabulary. However, there are neuropsychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia, in which the self becomes disordered and this aspect can be studied against healthy controls through experiment, building cognitive models of how the mind works, and imaging brain states. In this 2003 book, the first to address the scientific contribution to an understanding of the self, an eminent, international team focuses on current models of self-consciousness from the neurosciences and psychiatry. These are set against introductory essays describing the philosophical, historical and psychological approaches, making this a uniquely inclusive overview. It will appeal to a wide audience of scientists, clinicians and scholars concerned with the phenomenology and psychopathology of the self.

the self and neuroscience Tilo Kircher and Anthony David
Part A. Conceptual Background
1. The self and psychiatry German Berrios and Ivana S. Marková
2. The self in philosophy, neuroscience and psychiatry Georg Northoff and Alexander Heinzel
3. Phenomenology of self Dan Zahavi
4. Language and self-consciousness Maxim Stamenov
Part B. Cognitive and Neurosciences
5. Multiplicity of consciousness and the emergence of self Gerard O'Brien and Jon Opie
6. Asynchrony
implicational meaning and the experience of self in schizophrenia Philip Barnard
7. Self-awareness, social intelligence and schizophrenia Gordon Gallup, James Anderson and Steven Platek
8. The neural correlates of self-awareness and self-recognition Julian Paul Keenan, Mark Wheeler and Michael Ewers
9. Autonoëtic consciousness Hans Markovitsch
10. The neural nature of the core self Jaak Panksepp
Part C. Disturbances of the Self
The Case of Schizophrenia
i. Phenomenology
11. Self and schizophrenia
a neuropsychological perspective Josef Parnas
12. Schizophrenia, self-disturbance and the intentional arc Louis Sass
13. The self-experience of schizophrenics Christian Scharfetter
ii. Social Psychology
14. The paranoid self Richard Bentall
15. Schizophrenia and the narrative self James Phillips
16. Self-narrative in schizophrenia Shaun Gallagher
iii. Clinical Neuroscience
17. Schizophrenia as disturbance of the self construct Kai Vogeley
18. Action recognition in normal and schizophrenic subjects Marc Jeannerod et al
19. Disorders of self-monitoring and the symptoms of schizophrenia Sarah-Jayne Blakemore and Chris Frith
20. Hearing voices or hearing the self in disguise? Cynthia Fu and Philip McGuire
21. The cognitive neuroscience of agency in schizophrenia Henrik Walter and Manfred Spitzer
22. Self-consciousness
an integrative approach from philosophy, psychopathology and the neurosciences Tilo Kircher and Anthony David