The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance: World Trade Forum
Cambridge University Press, 8/8/2019
EAN 9781108485678, ISBN10: 1108485677
Hardcover, 442 pages, 23.4 x 16 x 2.3 cm
Language: English
Today's trade regime and its rules are under pressure. Increasing societal discontent with globalization and the rise of protectionist measures threaten the trade regime's legitimacy and effectiveness. The authors explore systemic challenges to the trade regime, inter alia, related to development, migration, inequality, the digital economy and climate change. The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance allows the readers, in times of change, to put current developments into context and offers an understanding of the different dynamics defining today's regulation of the global economy. Chapters authored by leading researchers from different disciplines - law, political science and economics - address the challenges of the global economic system and share novel outlooks, both theory- and data-based, for the future.
1. Introduction
current challenges and future scenarios Manfred Elsig, Michael Hahn and Gabriele Spilker
Part I. New and Old Challenges
2. The elephant in the negotiation room
PTAs through the eyes of citizens Quynh Nguyen and Gabriele Spilker
3. Corporate strategy in times of anti-trade sentiment
current challenges and future scenarios Jappe Eckhardt and Louise Curran
4. Understanding and shaping trade rules for the digital era Mira Burri
5. The need for better disciplines on rules of origins in the WTO
evidence from NAFTA Caroline Freund
6. For whom the bell tolls
the WTO's third decade Michael Hahn
Part II. Trade Policy and Trade-Related Concerns
7. Reconceiving trade agreements for social inclusion Gregory Shaffer
8. Our alarming climate crisis demands border adjustments now John Odell
9. The multilateralization of PTAs' environmental clauses
scenarios for the future? Jean-Frédéric Morin, Clara Brandi and Axel Berger
10. The trend to more and stricter non-trade issues in preferential trade agreements Lisa Lechner
Part III. Development Angles
11. The trade-migration nexus from a multilevel perspective Flavia Jurje and Sandra Lavenex
12. Trips implementation in developing countries
likely scenarios to 2025 Omar Serrano and Mira Burri
13. Investment promotion and facilitation for LDCs Rodrigo Polanco Lazo and Azernoosh Bazrafkan
Part IV. Diffusion across Economic Treaties
14. Heading for divorce? Investment protection rules in free trade agreements Wolfgang Alschner
15. The regime complex for investment governance
overlapping provisions in PTAs and BITs Soo Yeon Kim and Clara Lee
16. Asian Trade agreements in services
filling form with content Mark Manger.