The Structure of the Sun

The Structure of the Sun

  • £31.69
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Cambridge University Press, 8/28/1996
EAN 9780521563079, ISBN10: 0521563070

Hardcover, 424 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 2.3 cm
Language: English

The complex internal structure of the Sun can now be studied in detail through helioseismology and neutrino astronomy. The VI Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics was dedicated to examining these powerful new techniques. Based on this meeting, seven specially written chapters by world experts renowned for their teaching skills are presented in this 1996 volume. With a clear and pedagogical style we are shown how the internal composition (density, He abundance, etc.) and dynamical structure (rotation, sub-surface velocity fields, etc.) of the Sun can be deduced through helioseismology; and how the central temperature can be inferred from measurements of the flux of solar neutrinos. This volume provides an excellent introduction for graduate students and an up-to-date overview for researchers working on the Sun, neutrino astronomy and helio- and asteroseismology.

List of participants
Group photo
1. Techniques for observing solar oscillations Timothy Brown
2. Testing a solar model
the forward problem Jorgen Christensen-Dalsgaard
3. Testing solar models
the inverse problem Douglas Gough
4. Global changes in the sun Jeffrey Kuhn
5. Solar interior and solar neutrinos John Bahcall
6. The solar magnetic field Eugene Parker
7. Activity in the solar atmosphere as observed by YOHKOH Yutaka Uchida.