The Struggle Over Borders: Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism
Cambridge University Press, 6/30/2019
EAN 9781108718226, ISBN10: 1108718221
Paperback, 288 pages, 22.7 x 15.2 x 1.4 cm
Language: English
Citizens, parties, and movements are increasingly contesting issues connected to globalization, such as whether to welcome immigrants, promote free trade, and support international integration. The resulting political fault line, precipitated by a deepening rift between elites and mass publics, has created space for the rise of populism. Responding to these issues and debates, this book presents a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of how economic, cultural and political globalization have transformed democratic politics. This study offers a fresh perspective on the rise of populism based on analyses of public and elite opinion and party politics, as well as mass media debates on climate change, human rights, migration, regional integration, and trade in the USA, Germany, Poland, Turkey, and Mexico. Furthermore, it considers similar conflicts taking place within the European Union and the United Nations. Appealing to political scientists, sociologists and international relations scholars, this book is also an accessible introduction to these debates for undergraduate and masters students.
1. Cosmopolitanism and communitarianism
how globalization is reshaping politics in the twenty-first century Ruud Koopmans and Michael Zürn
Part I. Domestic Impacts
2. Why are elites more cosmopolitan than masses? Oliver Strijbis, Céline Teney and Marc Helbling
3. Mass opinions
globalization and issues as axes of contention Bernhard Weßels and Oliver Strijbis
4. Mapping policy and polity contestation about globalization
issue linkage in the news Pieter de Wilde
Part II. Supranational and Cross-level Analyses
5. Who is the most frequent traveller? The cosmopolitanism of national, European, and global elites Oliver Strijbis
6. Globalization conflict in international assemblies
cleavage formation beyond the state? Pieter de Wilde, Wiebke Junk and Tabea Palmtag
7. Who are the cosmopolitans and the communitarians? Claims-making across issues, polity levels and countries Ruud Koopmans
Part III. Conclusion
Conclusion. The defects of cosmopolitan and communitarian democracy Wolfgang Merkel and Michael Zürn.