The Uruguay Round and the Developing Countries
Cambridge University Press, 12/12/1996
EAN 9780521586016, ISBN10: 0521586011
Paperback, 496 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.8 cm
Language: English
The fifteen years of the GATT between the conclusion of the Tokyo Round in 1979 and the finalisation of the Uruguay Round in 1994 witnessed a sea change in attitudes toward the role of international trade in developing countries. The shift in orientation toward relatively open trading systems was reflected in the attitudes and participation of developing countries in the Uruguay Round. They involved themselves fully in formulating the rules of the new trading system, and also made significant offers to reduce tariff protection. This volume provides an assessment of the economic impact of the Uruguay Round of the GATT on the developing countries. The authors, all leading international trade economists, examine all aspects of the agreement and conclude that the cuts in protection should strengthen the world trading system and result in increases in the real incomes in developing countries.
1. The Uruguay round
a milestone for the developing countries Will Martin and L. Alan Winters
2. Agricultural liberalisation and the Uruguay round Dale E. Hathaway and Merlinda D. Ingco
3. Trade in manufactures
the outcome of the Uruguay round and developing country interests Marcelo De Paiva Abreu
4. Assessing the general agreement on trade in services Bernard Hoekman
5. The Uruguay round and market access
opportunities and challenges for developing countries Richard Blackhurst, Alice Enders and Joseph F. Francois
6. Assessing agricultural tariffication under the Uruguay round Ian Goldin and Dominique Van Der Mensbrugghe
7. Liberalising manufactures trade in a changing world economy Thomas Hertel, Will Martin, Koji Yanagishima and Betina Dimaranan
8. Quantifying the Uruguay round Glenn W. Harrison, Thomas F. Rutherford and David G. Tarr
9. The Uruguay round
a numerically based qualitative assessment Joseph F. Francois, Bradley McDonald and Håkan Nordström
10. The liberalisation of services trade
potential impacts in the aftermath of the Uruguay round Drusilla K. Brown, Alan V. Deardorff, Alan K. Fox and Robert M. Stern
11. Legalised backsliding
safeguard provisions in GATT J. Michael Finger and Rebecca Hardy
12. Trade-related intellectual property issues
the Uruguay round agreement and its economic implications Carlos A. Primo Braga
13. Beyond TRIMs
a case for multilateral action on investment rules and competition policy Patrick Low and Arvind Subramanian
14. Developing countries and system strengthening in the Uruguay round John Whalley
15. The intrusion of environmental and labour standards in trade policy Kym Anderson.