The World through Roman Eyes: Anthropological Approaches to Ancient Culture

The World through Roman Eyes: Anthropological Approaches to Ancient Culture

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Cambridge University Press, 10/11/2018
EAN 9781107157613, ISBN10: 1107157617

Hardcover, 482 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The culmination of a project aimed at showcasing, in a systematic way, the potential of applying anthropological perspectives to classical studies, this volume highlights the fundamental contribution this approach has to make to our understanding of ancient Roman culture. Through the close study of themes such as myth, polytheism, sacrifice, magic, space, kinship, the gift, friendship, economics, animals, plants, riddles, metaphors, and images in Roman society (often in comparison with Greece) - where the texts of ancient culture are allowed to speak in their own terms and where the experience of the natives (rather than the horizon of the observer) is privileged - a rich panorama emerges of the worldview, beliefs, and deep structures that shaped and guided this culture.

Introduction Maurizio Bettini and William Michael Short
1. Comparison Maurizio Bettini
2. Metaphors William Michael Short
3. Polytheism Gabriella Pironti and Micol Perfigli
4. Myth Maurizio Bettini
5. Sacrifice Francesca Prescendi
6. Witches Laura Cherubini
7. Kinship Mario Lentano
8. Friendship and the gift Renata Raccanelli and Lucia Beltrami
9. Economy Cristiano Viglietti
10. Space Gianluca De Sanctis
11. Animals Cristiana Franco
12. Plants Svetlana Hautala
13. Images Giuseppe Pucci
14. Signs Giovanni Manetti
15. Riddles Simone Beta.