Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations (Comparative Ethnic and Race Relations)

Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations (Comparative Ethnic and Race Relations)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reprint, 8/25/1988
EAN 9780521369398, ISBN10: 0521369398

Paperback, 366 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 2.1 cm
Language: English

This book brings together internationally known scholars from a wide range of disciplines and theoretical traditions, all of whom have made significant contributions to the field of race and ethnic relations. As well as identifying important and persistent points of controversy, the collection reveals a complementary and multifaceted approach to theorisation. The theories represented include contributions from the perspective of sociology. These range from the established perspectives of Marx and Weber through to the more recent interventions of rational choice theory, symbolic interactionism and identity structure analysis.

Preface John Rex
Introduction. Controversies and continuities in race and ethnic relations theory David Mason
1. Intersecting strands in the theorisation of race and ethnic relations J. Milton Yinger
2. Epistemological assumptions in the study of racial differentiation Michael Banton
3. The role of class analysis in the study of race relations - a Weberian perspective John Rex
4. Varieties of Marxist conceptions of 'race', class and the state
a critical analysis John Solomos
5. Class concepts, class struggle and racism Harold Wolpe
6. A political analysis of local struggles for racial equality Gideon Ben-Tovim, John Gabriel, Ian Law and Kathleen Stredder
7. Ethnicity and Third World development
political and academic contexts Marshall W. Murphree
8. Social anthropological models of inter-ethnic relations Richard Jenkins
9. Pluralism, race and ethnicity in selected African countries M. G. Smith
10. Ethnicity and the boundary process in context Sandra Wallman
11. Ethnicity and the sociobiology debate Pierre L. van der Berghe
12. Rational choice theory and the study of race and ethnic relations Michael Hechter
13. The 'Chicago School' of American sociology, symbolic interactionism, and race relations theory Barbara Ballis Lal
14. The operationalisation of identity theory in racial and ethnic relations Peter Weinreich