Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates And Perspectives

Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates And Perspectives

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Karim Murji
Cambridge University Press, 12/31/2014
EAN 9780521154260, ISBN10: 052115426X

Paperback, 306 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

How have research agendas on race and ethnic relations changed over the past two decades and what new developments have emerged? Theories of Race and Ethnicity provides a comprehensive and cutting-edge collection of theoretically grounded and empirically informed essays. It covers a range of key issues in race and ethnicity studies, such as genetics and race, post-race debates, racial eliminativism and the legacy of Barack Obama, and mixed race identities. The contributions are by leading writers on a range of perspectives employed in studying ethnicity and race, including critical race feminism, critical rationalism, psychoanalysis, performativity, whiteness studies and sexuality. Written in an authoritative yet accessible style, this volume is suitable for researchers and advanced students, offering scholars a survey of the state of the art in the literature, and students an overview of the field.

1. Introduction
situating the present Karim Murji and John Solomos
Part I. Debates
Introduction to Part I
2. Race and the science of difference in the age of genomics Sandra Soo-Jin Lee
3. Colour-blind egalitarianism as the new racial norm Charles A. Gallagher
4. Getting over the Obama hope hangover
the new racism in 'post-racial' America Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (with Victor E. Ray)
5. Does a recognition of mixed race move us toward post-race? Miri Song
6. Acting 'as' and acting 'as if'
two approaches to the politics of race and migration Leah Bassel
7. Can race be eradicated? The post-racial problematic Brett St Louis
Part II. Perspectives
Introduction to Part II
8. Superseding race in sociology
the perspective of critical rationalism Michael Banton
9. Critical race feminism Adrien K. Wing
10. Performativity and 'raced' bodies Shirley Tate
11. Racism
psychoanalytic and psycho-social approaches Simon Clarke
12. The sociology of whiteness
beyond good and evil white people Matthew W. Hughey
13. (Sexual) whiteness and national identity
race, class and sexuality in colour-blind France Éric Fassin
14. Racial comparisons, relational racisms
some thoughts on method David Theo Goldberg
15. Conclusion
back to the future Karim Murji and John Solomos.