Theory and Modeling of Rotating Fluids: Convection, Inertial Waves and Precession (Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics)

Theory and Modeling of Rotating Fluids: Convection, Inertial Waves and Precession (Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics)

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Keke Zhang, Xinhao Liao
Cambridge University Press, 5/23/2017
EAN 9780521850094, ISBN10: 0521850096

Hardcover, 540 pages, 25.4 x 18.2 x 3.1 cm
Language: English

A systematic account of the theory and modelling of rotating fluids that highlights the remarkable advances in the area and brings researchers and postgraduate students in atmospheres, oceanography, geophysics, astrophysics and engineering to the frontiers of research. Sufficient mathematical and numerical detail is provided in a variety of geometries such that the analysis and results can be readily reproduced, and many numerical tables are included to enable readers to compare or benchmark their own calculations. Traditionally, there are two disjointed topics in rotating fluids: convective fluid motion driven by buoyancy, discussed by Chandrasekhar (1961), and inertial waves and precession-driven flow, described by Greenspan (1968). Now, for the first time in book form, a unified theory is presented for three topics - thermal convection, inertial waves and precession-driven flow - to demonstrate that these seemingly complicated, and previously disconnected, problems become mathematically simple in the framework of an asymptotic approach that incorporates the essential characteristics of rotating fluids.

Part I. Fundamentals of Rotating Fluids
1. Basic concepts and equations for rotating fluids
Part II. Inertial Waves in Uniformly Rotating Systems
2. Introduction
3. Inertial modes in rotating narrow-gap annuli
4. Inertial modes in rotating cylinders
5. Inertial modes in rotating
6. Inertial modes in rotating oblate spheroids
7. A proof of completeness of inertial modes in rotating channels
8. Indications of completeness of inertial modes in rotating spheres
Part III. Precession and Libration in Non-Uniformly Rotating Systems
9. Introduction
10. Fluid motion in precessing narrow-gap annuli
11. Fluid motion in precessing circular cylinders
12. Fluid motion in precessing spheres
13. Fluid motion in longitudinally librating spheres
14. Fluid motion in precessing oblate spheroids
15. Fluid motion in latitudinally librating spheroids
Part IV. Convection in Uniformly Rotating Systems
16. Introduction
17. Convection in rotating narrow-gap annuli
18. Convection in rotating cylinders
19. Convection in rotating spheres or spherical shells
Appendix A
Appendix B