Theory of Dislocations

Theory of Dislocations

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Peter M. Anderson, John P. Hirth, Jens Lothe
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 3, 1/16/2017
EAN 9780521864367, ISBN10: 0521864364

Hardcover, 718 pages, 29.2 x 22.1 x 3.8 cm
Language: English

Theory of Dislocations provides unparalleled coverage of the fundamentals of dislocation theory, with applications to specific metal and ionic crystals. Rather than citing final results, step-by-step developments are provided to offer an in-depth understanding of the topic. The text provides the solid theoretical foundation for researchers to develop modeling and computational approaches to discrete dislocation plasticity, yet it covers important experimental observations related to the effects of crystal structure, temperature, nucleation mechanisms, and specific systems. This new edition incorporates significant advances in theory, experimental observations of dislocations, and new findings from first principles and atomistic treatments of dislocations. Also included are new discussions on thin films, deformation in nanostructured systems, and connection to crystal plasticity and strain gradient continuum formulations. Several new computer programs and worked problems allow the reader to understand, visualize, and implement dislocation theory concepts.

Part I. Isotropic Continua
1. Introductory material
2. Elasticity
3. Theory of straight dislocations
4. Theory of curved dislocations
5. Applications to dislocation interactions
6. Applications to self energies
7. Dislocations at high velocities
Part II. Effects of Crystal Structure
8. The influence of lattice periodicity
9. Slip systems of perfect dislocations
10. Partial dislocations in FCC metals
11. Partial dislocations in other structures
12. Dislocations in ionic crystals
13. Dislocations in anisotropic elastic media
Part III. Interactions with Point Defects
14. Equilibrium defect concentrations
15. Diffusive glide and climb processes
16. Glide of jogged dislocations
17. Dislocation motion in vacancy supersaturations
18. Effects of solute atoms on dislocation motion
Part IV. Groups of Dislocations
19. Grain boundaries and interfaces
20. Dislocation sources
21. Dislocation pileups and cracks
22. Dislocation intersections and barriers
23. Deformation twinning.