Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Volume 11: Sixth Series (Royal Historical Society Transactions, Series Number 11)

Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Volume 11: Sixth Series (Royal Historical Society Transactions, Series Number 11)

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Royal Historical Society
Cambridge University Press
Edition: First Edition, 3/6/2003
EAN 9780521815604, ISBN10: 0521815606

Hardcover, 456 pages, 22.1 x 13.7 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The Transactions of the Royal Historical Society publish an annual collection of major articles representing some of the best historical research by some of the world's most distinguished historians. Volume eleven of the sixth series includes the following articles: Presidential Address: Britain and the World in the Eighteenth Century; The Blues, the Folk, and African-American History; A Profane History of Early Modern Oaths; Re-thinking Politeness in Eighteenth-Century England: Moll King's Coffee House and the Significance of 'Flash Talk'; Fifteenth-Century Durham and the Problem of Provincial Liberties in England and the Wider Territories of the English Crown; Churchill in the Twenty-First Century; The Three Careers of Winston Churchill; Churchill and Democracy; Churchill and the British Monarchy; Churchill and the Trade Unions; Churchill and the Premiership; Churchill and the Conservative Party; Churchill and the Two 'Evil Empires'; Churchill and the American Alliance; Churchill and East-West Détente.

Presidential Address
Britain and the World in the Eighteenth Century
IV, The Turning Outwards of Britain P. J. Marshall
The Blues, the Folk, and African-American History Marybeth Hamilton
A Profane History of Early Modern Oaths John Spur
Re-thinking Politeness in Eighteenth-Century England
Moll King's Coffee House and the Significance of 'Flash Talk' Helen Berry
Fifteenth-Century Durham and the Problem of Provincial Liberties in England and the Wider Territories of the English Crown Tim Thornton
Europe Remade
Purity and Danger in Late Medieval Europe Miri Rubin
Yeats at War
Poetic Strategies and Political Reconstruction from the Easter Rising to the Free State R. F. Foster
The Impact of Napoleon III on British Politics, 1851–1880 J. P. Parry
Churchill in the Twenty-First Century David Cannadine and Roland Quinault
The Three Careers of Winston Churchill Paul Addison
Churchill and Democracy Roland Quinault
Churchill's Writing of History
Appeasement, Autobiography and The Gathering Storm David Reynolds
Churchill and the British Monarchy David Cannadine
Churchill and the Trade Unions Chris Wrigley
Churchill and the Premiership Peter Hennessy
Churchill and the Conservative Party Stuart Ball
Churchill and the Two 'Evil Empires' David Carlton
Churchill and the American Alliance John Charmley
Churchill and East-West Détente John W. Young
Churchill Remembered
Recollections by Tony Benn MP, Lord Carrington, Lord Deedes and Mary Soames.