United Nations Reform and the New Collective Security (European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation)

United Nations Reform and the New Collective Security (European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation)

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Cambridge University Press, 1/28/2010
EAN 9780521515436, ISBN10: 0521515432

Hardcover, 450 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.5 cm
Language: English

In 2004, the Report of the Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change emphasised the linkages between economic development, security and human rights, and the imperative in the twenty-first century of collective action and cooperation between States. In a world deeply divided by differences of power, wealth, culture and ideology, central questions today in international law and organisation are whether reaffirmation of the concept of collective security and a workable consensus on the means of its realisation are possible. In addressing these questions, this book considers the three key documents in the recent UN reform process: the High-Level Panel report, the Secretary-General's In Larger Freedom report and the 2005 World Summit Outcome document. The chapters examine the responsibilities, commitments, strategies and institutions necessary for collective security to function both in practice and as a normative ideal in international law and relations between state and non-state actors alike.

the new collective security Peter G. Danchin and Horst Fischer
Part I. Law and Politics in United Nations Reform
1. Things fall apart
the concept of collective security in international law Peter G. Danchin
2. Reflections on the politics of institutional reform Jan Klabbers
3. Great powers then and now
security council reform and responses to threats to peace and security Lauri Mälksoo
Part II. Defining 'Threats' to Collective Security
4. Assessing the high-level panel report
rethinking the causes and consequences of threats to collective security Maxwell O. Chibundu
5. Collective security and the responsibility to protect George Andreopoulos
6. Responses to non-military threats
environment, disease and technology Joachim Wolf
Part III. Prevention and Responses
7. On the far side of conflict
the UN Peacebuilding Commission as optical illusion Dirk Salomons
8. The new peacebuilding architecture
an institutional innovation of the United Nations Ejeviome Oloho Otobo
9. The world summit process and UN sanctions reform
between rhetoric and force Jeremy Farrall
10. The UN response to the evolving threat of global terrorism
institutional reform, rivalry, or renewal? Eric Rosand
11. International justice and collective security
between pragmatism and principle Carmen Márquez Carrasco
Part IV. Perspectives on the Ground
12. Developing security in the eastern DRC
MONUC as a practical example of (failing) collective security Dennis Dijkzeul
13. Indirect power
a critical look at civil society in the new human rights council Elizabeth Salmón
14. Collective security
a village eye-view J. Paul Martin and Benedicto Q. Sánchez.