Unsettling Cities: Movement/Settlement (Understanding Cities)

Unsettling Cities: Movement/Settlement (Understanding Cities)

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John Allen
Routledge, 2/18/1999
EAN 9780415200721, ISBN10: 0415200725

Paperback, 368 pages, 27.9 x 21.6 x 2.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

1. Cities of Connection and Disconnection Ash Amin and Steve Graham 2. Moving Cities Kerry Hamilton and Susan Hoyle 3. City Life and Difference: negotiating diversity Linda McDowell 4. Cities and Natures Steve Hinchliffe 5. Cities of Power and Influence John Allen 6. Cities of Neo-liberalism Michael Pryke 7. Cities and Economic Change Nigel Thrift 8. On Openness and the City conclusion John Allen, Doreen Massey and Michael Pryke.