Unsteady Combustor Physics

Unsteady Combustor Physics

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Tim C. Lieuwen
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 10/21/2021
EAN 9781108841313, ISBN10: 1108841317

Hardcover, 520 pages, 24.9 x 17.6 x 2.9 cm
Language: English

Explore a unified treatment of the dynamics of combustor systems, including acoustics, fluid mechanics, and combustion in a single rigorous text. This updated new edition features an expansion of data and experimental material, updates the coverage of flow stability, and enhanced treatment of flame dynamics. Addresses system dynamics of clean energy and propulsion systems used in low emissions systems. Synthesizing the fields of fluid mechanics and combustion into a coherent understanding of the intrinsically unsteady processes in combustors. This is a perfect reference for engineers and researchers in fluid mechanics, combustion, and clean energy.

Overview of the Book
1. Basic equations
2. Decomposition and evolution of disturbances
3. Hydrodynamic flow stability I
linear instability
4. Hydrodynamic flow stability II
common combustor flowfields
5. Acoustic wave propagation I – basic concepts
6. Acoustic wave propagation II – heat release, complex geometry, and mean flow effects
7. Flame sheet and flow interactions
8. Ignition
9. Internal flame processes
10. Flame stabilization, flashback, flameholding, and blowoff
11. Forced response I – flamelet dynamics
12. Forced response II – heat release dynamics