Values in Psychological Science: Re-imagining Epistemic Priorities at a New Frontier

Values in Psychological Science: Re-imagining Epistemic Priorities at a New Frontier

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Lisa Osbeck
Cambridge University Press, 11/29/2018
EAN 9781107134904, ISBN10: 1107134900

Hardcover, 154 pages, 23.5 x 15.8 x 1.2 cm
Language: English

In this book, wide-ranging sources are utilized to seek alternatives to the science-value dichotomy and to move beyond unhelpful impasses between qualitative and quantitative methods. It urges new directions of impact for psychology through intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration in order to confront unprecedented global challenges, generate questions and articulate new possibilities for a sustainable future for humanity. The analysis places the researcher as the principal instrument of any science - an affordance and an ongoing form of demand. Foregrounding 'the personal' also emphasizes continuity across arts and sciences; the interfaces of which contain the full range of resources for innovative thinking. The enduring relevance of observation, imaginative sense-making, and perspective-taking to psychology are explored. In emphasizing that 'the person' and 'the personal' reflect interconnected systems of various levels, the book calls for an appreciation and cultivation of these activities in the psychological scientific community.

1. Science, values, and persons
2. Observing
3. Imaginative sense-making
4. Perspective-taking