Vessel-Source Marine Pollution: The Law and Politics of International Regulation (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)

Vessel-Source Marine Pollution: The Law and Politics of International Regulation (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)

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Alan Khee-Jin Tan
Cambridge University Press, 12/22/2005
EAN 9780521853422, ISBN10: 0521853427

Hardcover, 458 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 3 cm
Language: English

Analysing the regulation of vessel-source pollution from the perspective of the political interests of key players in the ship transportation industry, this 2005 book by Alan Khee-Jin Tan offers a comprehensive and convincing account of how pollution of the marine environment by ships may be better regulated and reduced. In this timely study, he traces the history of regulation at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and investigates the political, economic and social forces influencing the IMO treaties. Also examined are the efforts of maritime states, ship-owners, cargo owners, oil companies and environmental groups to influence IMO laws and treaties. This is an important book, which uncovers the politics behind the law and offers solutions for overcoming the deficiencies in the regulatory system. It will be of great interest to professionals in the shipping industry as well as practitioners and students.

Part I. The Regulation of Vessel-Source Pollution in its Eco-Political Context
1. Vessel-source pollution, the ecological imperative and the compliance problem
2. The dynamics of the law-making process
actors, arenas and interests
Part II. Vessel-Source Pollution and the International Legislative Process
3. Vessel-source pollution and the regime formation process
4. Jurisdiction over vessel-source marine pollution
5. Implementation and compliance
6. Liability and compensation
Part III. The Future of Regulation
7. Challenges and prescriptions.