Violence and the Caste War of Yucatán: 116 (Cambridge Latin American Studies, Series Number 116)

Violence and the Caste War of Yucatán: 116 (Cambridge Latin American Studies, Series Number 116)

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Wolfgang Gabbert
Cambridge University Press, 8/22/2019
EAN 9781108491747, ISBN10: 110849174X

Hardcover, 356 pages, 23.6 x 16.4 x 2.4 cm
Language: English

Violence and The Caste War of Yucatán analyzes the extent and forms of violence employed during one of the most significant indigenous rural revolts in nineteenth-century Latin America: the Caste War of Yucatán in the tropical southeast of Mexico. Combining the results of historical, anthropological, and sociological research with the thorough investigation of primary sources from numerous archives, the book ascertains that violence was neither random nor the result of individual bloodthirstiness but in many cases followed specific patterns related to demographic, economic, political, and military factors. In addition to its use against the enemy, violence also played a role in the establishment and maintenance of order and leadership within the ranks of the contending parties. While the Caste War has been widely considered a conflict between the whites and the Maya, this book shows that Indians and non-Indians fought and died on both sides.

List of illustrations
Caste War violence – prospect and state of the art
Part I. Violence and War
1. Violence in anthropological and sociological perspective
2. Violence in organized groups
Part II. Violence in Yucatán Before and Beyond the Caste War, 1821–1901
3. The context
4. Misery and everyday violence – lower-class rural life
5. Political violence before and beyond the Caste War
Part III. The Caste War and Violence, an Overview
6. The beginnings
7. A war of attrition
8. Rebel consolidation
9. The end of rebel autonomy
Part IV. Violence and Government Forces
10. Government forces
11. Violence and suffering within the government forces
12. Violence by government forces against others
Part V. Violence and the Kruso'b
13. The social composition of the rebel movement
14. Of loot and lumber – the Kruso'b economy
15. Kruso'b politics and religion
16. Violence among the Kruso'b
17. Kruso'b violence against outsiders
Part VI. Intricacies of Caste War Violence
18. Civil war, ideology and motivation
19. Kruso'b and soldiers – parallels and contrasts
20. Caste War casualties
21. The Caste War in broader perspective
Appendix 1. Rebel attacks
Appendix 2. Army attacks
Appendix 3. Kruso'b attacks on Pacíficos.