Violence in American Schools: A New Perspective

Violence in American Schools: A New Perspective

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Cambridge University Press, 10/13/1998
EAN 9780521594509, ISBN10: 0521594502

Hardcover, 420 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.4 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

In this volume,experts from a range of disciplines use a variety of perspectives, notably those of public health, criminology, ecology, and developmental psychology, to review research on the causes of youth violence in the nation's schools and communities and on school-based interventions that have prevented or reduced it. They describe and evaluate strategies for the prevention and treatment of violence that go beyond punishment and incarceration. The volume offers a strategy for the problem of youth violence, arguing that the most effective interventions use a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach and take into account differences in stages of individual development and involvement in overlapping social contexts, families, peer groups, schools and neighborhoods. This book can be used profitably by school teachers and administrators, scholars, policy makers, and those who work with young people at risk, as well as by the general reader who is concerned with current social problems.

Part I. Introduction
1. Violence in American schools
an overview Delbert S. Elliott, Beatrix Hamburg, and Kirk R. Williams
Part II. Understanding Child and Youth Violence
2. Youth violence is a public health concern Margaret A. Hamburg
3. Social contexts and functions of adolescent virtue Jeffrey Fagan and Deanna Wilkinson
4. Juvenile aggression at home and at school Rolf Loeber and Magda Stouthamer-Loeber
5. The interdependence of school violence with neighborhood and family conditions John H. Laub and Janet Lauritsen
Part III. School Based Interventions
6. Preventing firearm violence in and around schools James A. Mercy and Mark L. Rosenberg
7. Reducing violence through the schools J. David Hawkins, David P. Farrington, and Richard F. Catalano
8. Evaluations of school-based violence prevention programs Faith Samples and Larry Aber
9. Safe school planning Ronald D. Stephens
Part IV. Community-Based Interventions
10. Exposure to urban violence
contamination of the school environment Raymond P. Lorion
11. Community policing, schools, and mental health
the challenge of collaboration Steve Marans and Mark Schaefer
12. Tailoring established after-school programs to meet urban realities Marcia R. Chaiken
Part V. Conclusions
13. An integrated approach to violence prevention Delbert S. Elliott, Kirk R. Williams, and Beatrix Hamburg.