Volcanic and Tectonic Hazard Assessment for Nuclear Facilities

Volcanic and Tectonic Hazard Assessment for Nuclear Facilities

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Cambridge University Press, 3/1/2018
EAN 9781108460583, ISBN10: 1108460585

Paperback, 669 pages, 24.5 x 17 x 3.6 cm
Language: English

Geoscientists worldwide are developing and applying methodologies to estimate geologic hazards associated with the siting of nuclear facilities. Understanding such hazards, particularly in the context of the long functional lifetimes of many nuclear facilities, is challenging. This book documents the current state-of-the-art in volcanic and tectonic hazard assessment for proposed nuclear facilities, which must be located in areas where the risks associated with geologic processes are quantifiable and demonstrably low. Specific topics include overviews of volcanic and tectonic processes, the history of the development of hazard assessment methodologies, description of current techniques for characterizing hazards, and development of probabilistic methods for estimating risks. Hazard assessment examples are drawn from around the world. This volume will promote interest and debate about this important topic among researchers and graduates developing methods in geologic hazard assessment, geologists and engineers who assess the safety of nuclear facilities, and regulatory bodies that evaluate such assessments.

1. Tectonic events and nuclear facilities N. A. Chapman, H. Tsuchi and K. Kitayama
2. The nature of tectonic hazards M. Cloos
3. The nature of volcanism C. B. Connor, R. S. J. Sparks, M. Díez, A. C. M. Volentik and S. C. P. Pearson
4. Tectonic uplift and subsidence N. Litchfield, Y. Ota and D. Merritts
5. Glacial isostatic adjustment
implications for glacially induced faulting and nuclear waste repositories B. Lund and J. O. Näslund
6. Using global positioning system data to assess tectonic hazards L. M. Wallace, J. Beavan, S. Miura and R. McCaffrey
7. Tectonic setting of volcanic centers in subduction zones
3D structure of mantle wedge and arc crust Y. Tamura, J. Nakajima, S. Kodaira and A. Hasegawa
8. Conceptual model for small-volume alkali basalt petrogenesis
implications for volcanic hazards at the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository F. J. Spera and S. J. Fowler
9. Aspects of volcanic hazard assessment for the Bataan nuclear power plant, Luzon Peninsula, Philippines A. C. M. Volentik, C. B. Connor, L. J. Connor and C. Bonadonna
10. Multidisciplinary probabilistic tectonic hazard analysis M. Stirling, K. Berryman, L. M. Wallace, N. Litchfield, J. Beavan and W. Smith
11. Tsunami hazard assessment W. Power and G. Downes
12. Regional-scale volcanology in support of site-specific investigations H. Kondo
13. Exploring long-term hazards using a Quaternary volcano database S. H. Mahoney, R. S. J. Sparks, L. J. Connor and C. B. Connor
14. Estimating spatial density with kernel methods C. B. Connor and L. J. Connor
15. Cox process models for the estimation of long-term volcanic hazards O. Jaquet and C. Lantuéjoul
16. Spatial distribution of eruptive centers about the Idaho National Laboratory P. H. Wetmore, S. S. Hughes, L. J. Connor and M. L. Caplinger
17. Modeling the flow of basaltic magma into subsurface nuclear facilities T. Menand, J. C. Phillips, R. S. J. Sparks and A. W. Woods
18. Intrusion dynamics for volatile-poor basaltic magma into subsurface nuclear installations A.-M. Lejeune, B. E. Hill, A. W. Woods, R. S. J. Sparks and C. B. Connor
19. Volcanic risk assessment at Yucca Mountain, NV, USA
integration of geophysics, geology and modeling G. A. Valentine and F. V. Perry
20. Geological issues in practice
experience in siting US nuclear facilities L. Reiter
21. Characterizing active tectonic structures for nuclear facilities in Japan D. Inoue
22. Issues for coastal sites I. G. McKinley and W. R. Alexander
23. Stable tectonic settings
designing site investigations to establish the tectonic basis for design and safety evaluation of geological repositories in Scandanavia T. McEwen and J. Anderson
24. The impact of subsidence, uplift and erosion of geological repositories for radioactive wastes I. G. McKinley and N. A. Chapman
25. Recommendations for assessing volcanic hazards at sites of nuclear installations B. E. Hill, W. P. Aspinall, C. B. Connor, J.-C. Komorowski and S. Nakada
26. Formal expert assessment in probabilistic seismic and volcanic hazard assessment K. J. Coppersmith, K. E. Jenni, R. C. Perman and R. R. Youngs