WLAN Positioning Systems

WLAN Positioning Systems

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Anastasios Venetsanopoulos Azadeh Kushki
Cambridge University Press, 11/30/2011
EAN 9780521191852, ISBN10: 0521191858

Hardcover, 225 pages, 25.3 x 18 x 1.2 cm
Language: English

Describing the relevant detection and estimation theory, this detailed guide provides the background knowledge needed to tackle the design of practical WLAN positioning systems. It sets out key system-level challenges and design considerations in increasing positioning accuracy and reducing computational complexity, and it also examines design trade-offs and experimental results. Radio characteristics in real environments are discussed, as are the theoretical aspects of non-parametric statistical tools appropriate for modeling radio signals, statistical estimation techniques and the model-based stochastic estimators often used for positioning. A historical account of positioning systems in also included, giving graduate students, researchers and practitioners alike the perspective needed to understand the benefits and potential applications of WLAN positioning.

Part I. History and Applications
1. Positioning through the ages
2. Location-based services
3. Positioning techniques
4. Positioning systems
Part II. Signal Processing Theory
5. Positioning in wireless local area networks
6. Memoryless positioning
7. Model-based positioning
8. Sensor selection
9. System design considerations
10. The road ahead.