6G: The Next Horizon: From Connected People and Things to Connected Intelligence

6G: The Next Horizon: From Connected People and Things to Connected Intelligence

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Cambridge University Press, 5/6/2021
EAN 9781108839327, ISBN10: 1108839320

Hardcover, 490 pages, 25 x 17.8 x 2.9 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The first book on 6G wireless presents an overall vision for 6G - an era of intelligence-of-everything - with drivers, key capabilities, use cases, KPIs, and the technology innovations that will shape it. These innovations include immersive human-centric communication, sensing, localization, and imaging, connected machine learning and networked AI, Industry 4.0 and beyond with connected intelligence, smart cities and life, and the satellite mega-constellation for 3D full-Earth wireless coverage. Also covered are new air-interface and networking technologies, integrated sensing and communications, and integrated terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks. In addition, novel network architectures to enable network AI, user centric networks, native trustworthiness are discussed. Essential reading for researchers in academia and industry working on B5G wireless communications.

Part I. Introduction
1. Mobile communications towards 2030 and beyond Wen Tong, Peiying Zhu, Yan Chen and Wenshuan Dang
Part II. Use Cases and Target KPIs
2. Extremely immersive human-centric experience Chunqing Zhang and Yan Chen
3. Sensing, localization, and imaging Danny Kai Pin Tan, Jia He and Yanchun Li
4. Full-capability industry 4.0 and beyond Xueli An, Xiuqiang Xu and Yingpei Lin
5. Smart city and smart life Xueli An, Xiuqiang Xu and Yingpei Lin
6. Global coverage for mobile services Xueliang Shi and Jun Wang
7. Connected machine learning and networked AI Yiqun Ge, Rong Li, Hui Lin and Yan Chen
Part III. Theoretical Foundations
8. Theoretical foundations for native AI and machine learning Jean-Claude Belfiore, Merouane Debbah, Rui Ni, Yiqun Ge and Jian Wang
9. Theoretical foundations for massive capacity and connectivity Rui Ni, Merouane Debbah and Maxime Guillaudl
10. Theoretical foundations for future machine type communications Jean-Claude Belfiore, Merouane Debbah, Rui Ni and Yiqun Ge
11. Theoretical foundations for energy-efficient systems Merouane Debbah and Rui Ni
Part IV. New Elements
12. New spectrum Kun Zeng and Guangjian Wang
13. New channels Jia He, Ziming Yu
14. New materials Huanhuan Gu, Morris Repeta and David Wessel
15. New antennas Huanhuan Gu, Morris Repeta and David Wessel
16. THz technology Huanhuan Gu, Morris Repeta and David Wessel
17. Post moore's law computing Huanhuan Gu, Morris Repeta and David Wessel
18. New devices Xueqiang Yan, Xun Yang, Chunqing Zhang and Huanhuan Gu
Part V. Enabling Technologies for 6G Air Interface Design
19. Intelligent air interface framework Jianglei Ma, Rong Li, Yongxia Lyv, Hao Tang, Xiaoyan Bi and Liqing Zhang
20. Integrated terrestrial and non-terrestrial communication Amine Maaref, Hejia Luo and Jianglei Ma
21. Integrated sensing and communication Alireza Bayesteh, Jiajin Luo and Jia He
22. New waveforms and modulation schemes Huang Huang and Alireza Bayesteh
23. New coding Huazi Zhang, Mengyao Ma, Yiqun Ge and Zhongfeng Li
24. New multiple access Lei Wang, Yan Chen, Liqing Zhang and Jianglei Ma
25. Ultra-massive MIMO Hadi Baligh, Xiaoyan Bi, Gaoning He, Yong Liu, Huan Sun, Rui Ni, Zhongfeng Li and Jianglei Ma
26. Integrated super-sidelink and access link communication Chunqing Zhang and Zhongfeng Li
Part VI. New Features for 6G Network Architecture Design
27. Technologies for the network AI architecture Jianjun Wu, Chenghui Peng, Xueli An and Hang Zhang
28. User-centric architecture technologies Xueqiang Yan, Artur Hecker, Chenghui Peng and Mingyu Zhao
29. Native trustworthiness Fei Liu and Rob Sun
30. Data governance architecture technologies Chenghui Peng, Jianjun Wu, Xueli An, Chenchen Yang and Xu Li
31. Multi-player ecosystem architecture technologies Hang Zhang, Xueli An, Xun Xiao and Wei Tan
32. Non-terrestrial network integrated architecture technologies Arashmid Akhavain and Michael Mayer
Part VII. Summary and Future Work
33. 6G Ecosystem and roadmap Hui Lin, Xueqiang Yan, Yan Chen and Jianmin Lu.