A Literary History of Persia 4 Volume Paperback Set: A Literary History of Persia: Volume I - From the Earliest Times Until Firdawsi: Volume 1

A Literary History of Persia 4 Volume Paperback Set: A Literary History of Persia: Volume I - From the Earliest Times Until Firdawsi: Volume 1

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Edward G. Browne
Cambridge University Press, 7/23/2009
EAN 9780521116787, ISBN10: 0521116783

Paperback, 538 pages, 21.6 x 14 x 3.4 cm
Language: English

Nearly a hundred years since its publication, E. G. Browne's A Literary History of Persia remains a classic work in English on the subject. Spanning four volumes, it took Browne over 25 years to write and whilst it concentrates on Persian literature, it surveys many aspects of Persian culture from pre-history to the twentieth century. Volume one covers the period from the earliest periods of Persian history until Firdawsi (AD 935–1020) a highly revered poet. Volume two looks at the early medieval period and in particular on the poet Saadi (1184–1283). Volume three focuses on the Tartar Dominion (1265–1502) and volume four 'Modern Times' covers from 1500 to 1924. A remarkable achievement upon first publication, Cambridge University Press is pleased to be able to bring its edition of this seminal work back into print.

Part I. On the Origins and General History of the People, Languages, and Literatures of Persia
1. Introduction
2. The discovery and interpretation of the inscriptions and documents of Ancient Persia, with other philological matter
3. The pre-Muhammadan literature of the Persians, with some account of their legendary history, as set forth in the book of the Kings
Part II. On the History of Persia from the Rise of the Sasanian to the Fall of the Umayyad Dynasty (AD 226–750)
4. The Sasanian period (AD 226–652)
5. The Arab invasion
6. The Umayyad period (AD 661–749)
Part III. On the Early Abbasid Period, or Golden Age of Islam
7. General characteristics of the golden age of Islam from the accession of As-Saffah to the death of Al-Wathiq
8. The developments of religion and philosophy in the golden age of Islam
9. The great Persian heresiarchs of this period
Part IV. On the First Period of the Decline of the Caliphate, from the Accession of Al-Mutawakkil to the Accession of sultan Mahmud of Ghazna (AD 850–1000)
10. The General Phenomena of the first period of the decline of the caliphate (AD 847–1000), from the accession of Al-Mutawakkil to the accession of Mahmud of Ghazna
11. The state of Muslim literature and science at the beginning of the Ghaznawi period
12. Religious movements of this period I
13. Religious movements of this period II
14. The literature of Persia during this period