A Treatise on the Line Complex

A Treatise on the Line Complex

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C. M. Jessop
Cambridge University Press, 12/11/2014
EAN 9781107457997, ISBN10: 1107457998

Paperback, 382 pages, 21.6 x 14 x 2.2 cm
Language: English

Originally published in 1903, this book contains a summary of the contemporary research on the theory of line-geometry. Jessop illustrates the text with many diagrams and various examples of how line theory can be applied. This book will be of particular value to anyone with an interest in the history of mathematics.

1. System of coordinates
2. The linear complex
3. Synthesis of the linear complex
4. Systems of linear complexes
5. Ruled cubic and quartic surfaces
6. The quadratic complex
7. Special varieties of the quadratic complex
8. The cosingular complexes
9. Polar lines, points, and planes
10. Representation of a complex by points of space
11. The general equation of the second degree
12. Connexion of line-geometry with sphere-geometry
13. Connexion of line-geometry with hypergeometry
14. Congruence of lines
15. Congruences of the second order without singular curves
16. The congruence of the second order and second class
17. The general complex
18. Differential equations connected with the line complex
Miscellaneous results and exercises