Acoustic Phonetics: A course of basic readings

Acoustic Phonetics: A course of basic readings

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D. B. Fry
Cambridge University Press, 4/2/2009
EAN 9780521107457, ISBN10: 0521107458

Paperback, 504 pages, 21.6 x 14 x 2.9 cm
Language: English

D. B. Fry has edited a basic course of readings on the acoustics of speech. The collection includes all the important classical papers in the field. It is carefully structured to present the student with a coherent picture of the relations between language units and the corresponding sound-waves and to explain the laws that govern these relations. He includes extracts which explain the generation of sound-waves by the speech-mechanism, the methods of acoustic analysis of speech, and the operation of the sound spectograph (with excerpts from the first published accounts of the instrument). The volume also illustrates the contribution to the general study of language made by research on speech perception. There are accounts of speech synthesis, and of experiments on rhythm, intonation and the perception of acoustic cues.

Part I. Acoustics of the Speech Mechanism
1. The Carrier Nature of Speech Homer Dudley
2. Some Properties of the Glottal Sound Source James L. Flanagan
3. An Acoustical Theory of Vowel Production and Some of its Implications Kenneth N. Stevens and Arthur S. House
Part II. Acoustic Analysis of Speech
4. The Sound Spectrograph W. Koenig, H. K. Dunn and L. Y. Lacy
5. Vowel Resonances R. S. Paget
6. Control Methods Used in a Study of the Vowels Gordon E. Peterson and Harold L. Barney
7. The Acoustics of Consonants Wiktor Jassem
8. Spectra of Fricative Noise in Human Speech Peter Strevens
9. Spectral Properties of Fricative Consonants George W. Hughes and Morris Halle
10. Acoustic Properties of Stop Consonants M. Halle, G. W. Hughes and J.-P. A. Radley
Part III. Acoustic Cues in Speech
11. Effects of Filtering and Masking Harvey Fletcher
12. An Analysis of Perceptual Confusions Among Some English Consonants George A. Miller and Patricia E. Nicely
13. The Interconversion of Audible and Visible Patterns as a Basis.for Research in the Perception of Speech Franklin S. Cooper, Alvin M. Liberman and John M. Borst
14. The Synthesis of Speech from Signals Which Have a Low Information Rate W. Lawrence
15. An Experimental Study of the Acoustic Determinants of Vowel Color
Observations on One- and Two-Formant Vowels Synthesized from Spectrographic Patterns Pierre C. Delattre, Alvin M. Liberman, Franklin S. Cooper and Louis J. Gerstman
16. The Identification and Discrimination of Synthetic Vowels Dennis B. Fry, Arthur S. Abramson, Peter D. Eimas and Alvin M. Liberman
17. Some Experiments on the Perception of Synthetic Speech Sounds Franklin S. Cooper, Pierre C. Delattre, Alvin M. Liberman, John M. Borst and Louis J. Gerstman
18. Acoustic Loci and Transitional Cues for Consonants Pierre C. Delattre, Alvin M. Liberman and Franklin S. Cooper
19. Cues for the Discrimination of American English Fricatives in Spoken Syllables Katherine S. Harris
20. Acoustic Cues for the Perception of Initial | w,j,r,l |in English J. D. O'Connor, Louis J. Gerstman, A. M. Liberman, Pierre C. Delattre and Franklin S. Cooper
21. The Role of Consonant–Vowel Transitions in the Perception of the Stop and ,Nasal Consonants Alvin M. Liberman, Pierre C. Delattre, Franklin S. Cooper and Louis J. Gerstman
22. The Discrimination of Speech Sounds Within and Across Phoneme Boundaries Alvin M. Liberman, Katherine S. Harris, Howard S. Hoffman and Belver C. Griffith
23. The Voicing Dimension
Some Experiments in Comparative Phonetics Leigh Lisker and Arthur S. Abramson
Part IV. Investigation of Prosodic Features
24. Vowel Amplitude and Phonemic Stress in American English Ilse Lehiste and Gordon E. Peterson
25. On Vowel Duration in English Arthur S. House
26. Some Basic Considerations in the Analysis of Intonation Ilse Lehiste and Gordon E. Peterson
17. Some Acoustic Correlates of Word Stress in American English Philip Lieberman
28. Experiments in the Perception of Stress Dennis B. Fry
29. The Dependence of Stress Judgments on Vowel Formant Structure Dennis B. Fry
30. An Experimental Study of Some Intonation Contours Kerstin Hadding-Koch and Michael Studdert-Kennedy
Part V. Speech Synthesis by Rule
31. Minimal Rules for Synthesizing Speech Alvin M. Liberman, Frances Ingemann, Leigh Lisker, Pierre C. Delattre and Franklin S. Cooper.