Active Faults of the World

Active Faults of the World

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Robert Yeats
Cambridge University Press, 4/26/2012
EAN 9780521190855, ISBN10: 0521190851

Hardcover, 752 pages, 25.2 x 19.5 x 3.5 cm
Language: English

Providing the first worldwide survey of active earthquake faults, this book focuses on those described as 'seismic time bombs' – with the potential to destroy large cities in the developing world such as Port au Prince, Kabul, Tehran and Caracas. Leading international earthquake expert, Robert Yeats, explores both the regional and plate-tectonic context of active faults, providing the background for seismic hazard evaluation in planning large-scale projects such as nuclear power plants or hydroelectric dams. He also highlights work done in more advanced seismogenic countries like Japan, the United States, New Zealand and China, providing an important basis for upgrading building standards and other laws in developing nations. The book also explores the impact of major quakes on social development through history. It will form an accessible reference for analysts and consulting firms, and a convenient overview for academics and students of geoscience, geotechnical engineering and civil engineering, and land-use planning.

1. Methods and background
2. Introduction to North America
the Pacific–North America plate boundary
3. San Andreas System and basin and range
4. Caribbean Plate and Middle America subduction zone
5. South America
6. Africa, Arabia, and Western Europe
7. Eastern Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East
8. India, the Himalaya, Mainland China, and Central Asia
9. Japan and the Western Pacific
10. Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands