Advances in Plasma Astrophysics (IAU S274) (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia)
Cambridge University Press, 8/4/2011
EAN 9780521197410, ISBN10: 0521197414
Hardcover, 520 pages, 25.5 x 18 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
The importance of connecting astrophysical theory, observations, simulations and laboratory astrophysics is nowadays widely appreciated by the scientific community. IAU Symposium 274 discusses recent observational, theoretical and experimental efforts in understanding the basic plasma processes in the Universe at all scales, from the primordial plasmas of the early Universe to stellar and laboratory plasmas. Experts from different fields examine topics including: the origin and dynamics of magnetic fields in astrophysical systems (the dynamo problem); the origin of x-ray emitting coronas and the role of magnetic reconnection; the acceleration of charged particles; winds and jets from highly-evolved stars and supernova remnants; plasma radiation processes; turbulence of the magnetized plasma in astrophysical objects and in the ISM, IGM and the solar wind; quantum plasmas under extreme conditions in planetary interiors and in exotic stars; and many other key problems in modern plasma astrophysics.
1. Plasma astrophysics in the laboratory
2. Interstellar, space and planetary plasmas
3. Solar and stellar plasma
4. Plasma around compact objects
5. Observational and modelling programs for plasma astrophysics
6. Plasmas in galaxies and galaxy clusters
7. Plasma astrophysics in numerical simulations
Author index
Object index.