African Voices on Slavery and the Slave Trade

African Voices on Slavery and the Slave Trade

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Martin A. Klein Edited by Alice Bellagamba
Cambridge University Press, 2/28/2013
EAN 9780521194709, ISBN10: 0521194709

Hardcover, 558 pages, 26 x 18.2 x 3.5 cm
Language: English

Though the history of slavery is a central topic for African, Atlantic world and world history, most of the sources presenting research in this area are European in origin. To cast light on African perspectives, and on the point of view of enslaved men and women, this group of top Africanist scholars has examined both conventional historical sources (such as European travel accounts, colonial documents, court cases, and missionary records) and less-explored sources of information (such as folklore, oral traditions, songs and proverbs, life histories collected by missionaries and colonial officials, correspondence in Arabic, and consular and admiralty interviews with runaway slaves). Each source has a short introduction highlighting its significance and orienting the reader. This first of two volumes provides students and scholars with a trove of African sources for studying African slavery and the slave trade.

Part I. Oral Traditions, Historical Tales, and Interviews
Part II. Songs, Prayers, Proverbs, and Material Culture
Part III. Written Accounts by African Authors
Part IV. European Travelers' Accounts
Part V. Colonial Reports and Documents
Part VI. Voices of Slaves in the Courtroom
Part VII. Missionary Records
Part VIII. Islamic Sources
Part IX. Contemporary African Societies and the Legacy of Slavery.