American Government: Enduring Principles and Critical Choices

American Government: Enduring Principles and Critical Choices

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Marc Landy
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 4, 12/13/2018
EAN 9781108457835, ISBN10: 1108457835

Paperback, 524 pages, 25.4 x 17.9 x 2.1 cm
Language: English

To understand contemporary American politics and government students need to see how political ideas, institutions and forces have developed over time. The fourth edition of American Government dwells on the seminal role played by political memory and path dependency in shaping contemporary institutions, political forces and public opinion, as well as the critical choices that have caused them to shift course. It provides a comprehensive depiction of current demographic, political, attitudinal and governmental facts, trends and conditions. Each chapter begins with a detailed contemporary portrait of its subject.

Part I. Formative Experiences
1. Introduction
2. Political culture
3. Contesting the constitution
4. Political development
Part II. Pivotal Relationships
5. Federalism
6. Political economy
Part III. Governing Institutions
7. The congress
8. The presidency
9. The judiciary
10. The bureaucracy
Part IV. Political Life
11. Public opinion
12. Political parties
13. Campaigns, elections and media
14. Political and civic participation
movements, lobbies, voluntary associations and the role of the media
15. Concluding thoughts.