An Introduction to Reservoir Simulation Using MATLAB/GNU Octave: User Guide for the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST)

An Introduction to Reservoir Simulation Using MATLAB/GNU Octave: User Guide for the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST)

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Knut-Andreas Lie
Cambridge University Press, 8/8/2019
EAN 9781108492430, ISBN10: 1108492436

Hardcover, 674 pages, 25.1 x 17.8 x 3.6 cm
Language: English

This book provides a self-contained introduction to the simulation of flow and transport in porous media, written by a developer of numerical methods. The reader will learn how to implement reservoir simulation models and computational algorithms in a robust and efficient manner. The book contains a large number of numerical examples, all fully equipped with online code and data, allowing the reader to reproduce results, and use them as a starting point for their own work. All of the examples in the book are based on the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST), an open-source toolbox popular popularity in both academic institutions and the petroleum industry. The book can also be seen as a user guide to the MRST software. It will prove invaluable for researchers, professionals and advanced students using reservoir simulation methods. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

1. Introduction
Part I. Geological Models and Grids
2. Modeling reservoir rocks
3. Grids in subsurface modeling
Part II. Single-Phase Flow
4. Mathematical models for single-phase flow
5. Incompressible solvers for single-phase flow
6. Consistent discretizations on polyhedral grids
7. Compressible flow and rapid prototyping
Part III. Multiphase Flow
8. Mathematical models for multiphase flow
9. Discretizing hyperbolic transport equations
10. Solvers for incompressible immiscible flow
11. Compressible multiphase flow
12. The AD-OO framework for reservoir simulation
Part IV. Reservoir Engineering Workflows
13. Flow diagnostics
14. Grid coarsening
15. Upscaling petrophysical properties
Appendix. The MATLAB reservoir simulation toolbox
Index of MRST functions
Subject index.