An Introduction to the New Testament and the Origins of Christianity (Introduction to Religion)

An Introduction to the New Testament and the Origins of Christianity (Introduction to Religion)

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Delbert Burkett
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 1/3/2019
EAN 9781316624944, ISBN10: 1316624943

Paperback, 640 pages, 24.6 x 17.5 x 2.9 cm
Language: English

First published in 2002, this book offers an authoritative and accessible introduction to the New Testament and early Christian literature for all students of the Bible and the origins of Christianity. Delbert Burkett focuses on the New Testament, but also looks at a wealth of non-biblical writing to examine the history, religion and literature of Christianity in the years from 30 CE to 150 CE. The book is organized systematically with questions for in-class discussion and written assignments, step-by-step reading guides on individual works, special box features, charts, maps and numerous illustrations designed to facilitate student use. An appendix containing translations of primary texts allows instant access to the writings outside the canon. For this new edition, Burkett has reorganized and rewritten many chapters, and has also incorporated revisions throughout the text, bringing it up to date with current scholarship. This volume is designed for use as the primary textbook for one and two-semester courses on the New Testament and Early Christianity.

Part I. Historical and Religious Background
1. Introduction
2. Jews among Greeks and Romans
3. Basic Second Temple Judaism
4. Varieties of Second Temple Judaism
5. Jewish hopes for the future
6. Hellenistic religion, philosophy, and world-view
7. An overview of early Christian history
8. The making of the New Testament
Part II. Jesus and the Gospels
9. Introduction to the Gospels
10. The synoptic problem
11. The Gospel of Mark
12. The Gospel of Matthew
13. The Gospel of Luke
14. The Gospel of John
15. The apocryphal Jesus
16. The quest for the historical Jesus
Part III. Acts
17. The book of Acts
Part IV. Pauline Christianity
18. Paul, his letters, and his churches
19. Gentiles and the law (1)
20. Gentiles and the law (2)
21. Problems of church life
1 Corinthians
22. Problems of church life
2 Corinthians
23. The imminent parousia
1 and 2 Thessalonians
24. Prison Epistles (1)
Philippians and Philemon
25. Prison Epistles (2)
Colossians and Ephesians
Part V. Judaic Christianity
26. Judaic Christianity
27. The letter of James
28. The Didache
Part VI. Gnostic Christianity
29. Gnostic Christianity
30. The Gospel of Thomas
Part VII. Proto-Orthodox Christianity
31. Proto-Orthodox Christianity
32. Conflict in the church (1)
pastoral epistles
33. Conflict in the church (2)
Jude and 2 Peter
34. Conflict in the church (3)
Johannine Epistles
35. Conflict in the church (4)
letters of Ignatius
36. Conflict in the church (5)
1 Clement
37. Relation of Christianity to Judaism (1)
38. Relation of Christianity to Judaism (2)
Epistle of Barnabas
39. Conflict with the Roman world (1)
1 Peter
40. Conflict with the Roman world (2)
Appendix 1. Lucian on sacrifices
Appendix 2. The Essenes
Appendix 3. Jewish messianic hopes
Appendix 4. Divine humans and their births
Appendix 5. Apotheoses
Appendix 6. Miracle stories in the ancient world
Appendix 7. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Appendix 8. The Gospel of Peter
Appendix 9. The Didache
Appendix 10. Selections from the Gospel of Thomas
Appendix 11. Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans 1–9
Appendix 12. Selections from 1 Clement
Appendix 13. Selections from the Epistle of Barnabas
Appendix 14. Conflict with Rome.