Applied Surgical Physiology Vivas

Applied Surgical Physiology Vivas

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Mazyar Kanani
Cambridge University Press, 1/1/2004
EAN 9780521683203, ISBN10: 0521683203

Paperback, 190 pages, 21.1 x 13.5 x 1.1 cm
Language: English

An understanding of basic sciences is the cornerstone of medical and surgical training, and viva examinations in particular remain a source of anxiety for many candidates. Applied Surgery Physiology Vivas follows the same format as the hugely popular General Pathology Vivas and Surgical Critical Care Vivas. It gives candidates a means of practising some of the most common questions that they will be asked in their viva examinations, with detailed model answers and diagrams to highlight key points where necessary. Pocket-sized for portability, and packed with useful information in an easy-to-use A-Z format, this book will help the reader to broaden their knowledge base and, by practising the vivas, gain confidence in their examination technique.

List of abbreviations
1. A change in posture
2. Acid-base
3. Action potentials
4. Adrenal cortex I
5. Adrenal contex II - clinical disorders
6. Adrenal medulla
7. Arterial pressure
8. Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
9. Carbon dioxide transport
10. Cardiac cycle
11. Cardiac output (CO)
12. Cell signalling
13. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and cerebral blood flow
14. Colon
15. Control of ventilation
16. Coronary circulation
17. Fetal circulation
18. Glomerular filtration and renal clearance
19. Immobilization
20. Liver
21. Mechanics of breathing I - ventilation
22. Mechanics of breathing II - respiratory cycle
23. Mechanics of breathing III - compliance and elastance
24. Mechanics of breathing IV - airway resistance
25. Microcirculation I
26. Microcirculation II
27. Micturition
28. Motor control
29. Muscle I - skeletal and smooth muscle
30. Muscle II - cardiac muscle
31. Nutrition
basic concepts
32. Pancreas I - endocrine functions
33. Pancreas II - exocrine functions
34. Potassium balance
35. Proximal tubule and loop of henle
36. Pulmonary blood flow
37. Renal blood flow (RBF)
38. Respiratory function tests
39. Small intestine
40. Sodium balance
41. Sodium and water balance
42. Starvation
43. Stomach I
44. Stomach II - applied physiology
45. Swallowing
46. Synapses I - the neurmuscular junction (NMJ)
47. Synapses II - muscarinic pharmacology
48. Synapses III - nicotinic pharmacology
49. Thyroid gland
50. Valsalva manoeuvre
51. Venous pressure
52. Ventilation/perfusion relationships.