Artists and Artistic Production in Ancient Greece

Artists and Artistic Production in Ancient Greece

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Cambridge University Press, 6/9/2017
EAN 9781107074460, ISBN10: 1107074460

Hardcover, 256 pages, 26.5 x 18.7 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

Greek artists and architects were important social agents who played significant roles in the social, cultural, and economic life of the ancient Greek world. In Artists and Artistic Production in Ancient Greece, art historians, archaeologists, and historians explore the roles and impacts of artists and craftsmen in ancient Greek society. The contributing authors draw upon artistic, architectural, literary, epigraphical, and historical evidence to discuss a range of artists, architects, artistic media, and regions. They refer to historiography and modern theory, taking stock of the past while offering some new directions for future research. Incorporating a variety of methodological approaches and making use of often-neglected evidence, Artists and Artistic Production in Ancient Greece re-examines many long-held ideas and provides a deeper understanding of particular artists and architects, their works, and their social agency.

Preface Peter Schultz and Kristen Seaman
1. Introduction
Greek artists, yesterday and today Kristen Seaman
2. The social and educational background of elite Greek artists Kristen Seaman
3. Portrait of an artist
Euthymides, son of Pollias Jenifer Neils
4. Kritios and Nesiotes
two revolutionaries in context Andrew Stewart
5. Craft identity
mosaics in the Hellenistic East S. Rebecca Martin
6. Artistic choice and constraint on coins Isabelle A. Pafford
7. Constructing architects
the so-called 'Theseum architect' Margaret M. Miles
8. Euphranor Olga Palagia
9. Politics and personality?
the case of Kephisodotos the Younger Peter Schultz
10. Artists' signatures on archaic Greek vases from Athens Sarah Bolmarcich and Georgina Muskett
11. Response
reflections on identity, personality, and originality Jeffrey M. Hurwit.