Aspects of Symmetry: Selected Erice Lectures

Aspects of Symmetry: Selected Erice Lectures

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Sidney Coleman
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 2/18/1988
EAN 9780521318273, ISBN10: 0521318270

Paperback, 416 pages, 22.9 x 15.5 x 2.8 cm
Language: English

For almost two decades, Sidney Coleman has been giving review lectures on frontier topics in theoretical high-energy physics at the International School of Subnuclear Physics held each year at Erice, Sicily. This volume is a collection of some of the best of these lectures. To this day they have few rivals for clarity of exposition and depth of insight. Although very popular when first published, many of the lectures have been difficult to obtain recently. Graduate students and professionals in high-energy physics will welcome this collection by a master of the field.

1. An introduction to unitary symmetry
2. Soft pions
3. Dilatations
4. Renormalization and symmetry
a review for non-specialists
5. Secret symmetry
an introduction to spontaneous symmetry breakdown and gauge fields
6. Classical lumps and their quantum descendants
7. The uses of instantous
8. 1/N
Notes and references.