Autonomous Weapons Systems: Law, Ethics, Policy

Autonomous Weapons Systems: Law, Ethics, Policy

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Cambridge University Press, 9/1/2016
EAN 9781107153561, ISBN10: 1107153565

Hardcover, 420 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.4 cm
Language: English

The intense and polemical debate over the legality and morality of weapons systems to which human cognitive functions are delegated (up to and including the capacity to select targets and release weapons without further human intervention) addresses a phenomena which does not yet exist but which is widely claimed to be emergent. This groundbreaking collection combines contributions from roboticists, legal scholars, philosophers and sociologists of science in order to recast the debate in a manner that clarifies key areas and articulates questions for future research. The contributors develop insights with direct policy relevance, including who bears responsibility for autonomous weapons systems, whether they would violate fundamental ethical and legal norms, and how to regulate their development. It is essential reading for those concerned about this emerging phenomenon and its consequences for the future of humanity.

Part I. Introduction
1. Autonomous weapons systems
living a dignified life and dying a dignified death Christof Heyns
Part II. Meanings of Autonomy and Human Cognition under Automation
2. Staying in the loop
human supervisory control of weapons Noel Sharkey
3. The autonomy of technological systems and responsibilities for their use Giovanni Sartor and Andrea Omicini
4. Human-machine autonomies Lucy Suchman and Jutta Weber
Part III. Autonomous Weapons Systems and Human Dignity
5. Are autonomous weapon systems a threat to human dignity? Dieter Birnbacher
6. On banning autonomous weapons systems
from deontological to wide consequentialist reasons Guglielmo Tamburrini
Part IV. Risk, Transparency and Legal Compliance in the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons Systems
7. Judgment, liability, and the risk of riskless warfare Pablo Kalmanovitz
8. Autonomous weapons systems and transparency
towards an international dialogue Sarah Knuckey
9. A human touch
autonomous weapons, DOD Directive 3000.09 and the interpretation of 'appropriate levels of human judgment over the use of force' Dan Saxon
10. Autonomous weapons systems
managing the inevitability of 'taking the man out of the loop' Geoffrey S. Corn
Part V. New Frameworks for Collective Responsibility
11. The obligation to exercise discretion in warfare
why autonomous weapon systems are unlawful Eliav Lieblich and Eyal Benvenisti
12. Autonomy and uncertainty
increasingly autonomous weapons systems and the international legal regulation of risk Nehal Bhuta and Stavros-Evdokimos Pantazopoulos
Part VI. New Frameworks for Individual Responsibility
13. Autonomous weapons systems
new frameworks for individual responsibility Neha Jain
14. Refining responsibility
differentiating two types of responsibility issues raised by autonomous weapons systems Hin-Yan Liu
15. Present futures
concluding reflections and open questions on autonomous weapons systems Nehal Bhuta, Susanne Beck and Robin Geiß.