Axiomatic Domain Theory (Distinguished Dissertations in Computer Science)

Axiomatic Domain Theory (Distinguished Dissertations in Computer Science)

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Marcelo P. Fiore
Cambridge University Press
Edition: New Ed, 8/21/2008
EAN 9780521602778, ISBN10: 0521602777

Paperback, 256 pages, 24.6 x 18.9 x 1.4 cm
Language: English

Axiomatic categorical domain theory is crucial for understanding the meaning of programs and reasoning about them. This book is the first systematic account of the subject and studies mathematical structures suitable for modelling functional programming languages in an axiomatic (i.e. abstract) setting. In particular, the author develops theories of partiality and recursive types and applies them to the study of the metalanguage FPC; for example, enriched categorical models of the FPC are defined. Furthermore, FPC is considered as a programming language with a call-by-value operational semantics and a denotational semantics defined on top of a categorical model. To conclude, for an axiomatisation of absolute non-trivial domain-theoretic models of FPC, operational and denotational semantics are related by means of computational soundness and adequacy results. To make the book reasonably self-contained, the author includes an introduction to enriched category theory.

1. Introduction
2. Categorical preliminaries
3. Partiality
4. Order-enriched categories of partial maps
5. Data types
6. Recursive types
7. Recursive types in Cpo-categories
8. FPC
9. Computational soundness and adequacy
10. Summary and future research