Basic Computation and Programming with C

Basic Computation and Programming with C

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Subrata Saha, Subhodip Mukherjee
Cambridge University Press, 1/16/2017
EAN 9781316601853, ISBN10: 1316601854

Paperback, 662 pages, 23.8 x 17.7 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

Providing in-depth coverage, this book covers the fundamentals of computation and programming in C language. Essential concepts including operators and expressions, input and output statements, loop statements, arrays, pointers, functions, strings and preprocessors are described in a lucid manner. A unique approach - 'Learn by quiz' - features questions based on confidence-based learning methodology. It helps the reader to identify the right answer with adequate explanation and reasoning as to why the other options are incorrect. Computer programs and review questions are interspersed throughout the text. The book is appropriate for undergraduate students of engineering, computer science and information technology. It can be used for self-study and assists in the understanding of theoretical concepts and their applications.

List of figures
List of tables
Part I. Fundamentals of Computer
1. Computer history, classification and basic anatomy
2. Introduction to number system and logic gates
3. Introduction to system software and operating systems
4. Algorithms and flow chart
Part II. Programming in 'C'
5. Introduction to C
6. Constants, variables and data types
7. Operators and expressions
8. Input and output statement
9. Branching statement
10. Loop statements
11. Array
12. String handling
13. Function
14. Pointer
15. Structure
16. File
17. Bitwise operators
18. Preprocessors
19. Linked list
Appendix 1. Common questions and answers
Appendix 2. ASCII character
Appendix 3. Some useful library functions
Part III. Technical Questions for Interview