Biological Actions of Sex Hormones

Biological Actions of Sex Hormones

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Harold Burrows
Cambridge University Press, 10/31/2013
EAN 9781107625501, ISBN10: 1107625505

Paperback, 526 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

Originally published in 1945, this book presents a detailed study of the nature of sex hormones and the reactions of living tissues towards them, providing a co-ordinated summary of experimental inquiries in the field. A variety of tables and illustrative figures are also included, together with a glossary and a list of references. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the history of science and endocrinology.

Part I. Gonadotrophins
1. The nature and functions of gonadotrophins
2. Factors which influence the gonadotrophic activity of the pituitary
3. Factors which influence the reaction of the gonads to gonadotrophins
4. Factors which affect the cytological structure and weight of the anterior lobe of the pituitary
Part II. Gonadal Hormones
5. A general view of the gonadal hormones
6. Androgens
7. The action of androgen on the reproductive organs before their complete differentiation
8. The action of androgen on the reproductive organs after their complete differentiation
9. The action of androgen on the accessory generative organs
10. The action of androgen on tissues and organs other than those already dealt with
Part IV. Oestrogens
11. Oestrogens
12. The action of oestrogen on the embryonic gonads and Müllerian and Wolffian systems
13. The action of oestrogen on the anterior lobe of the pituitary, and on the gonads after their differentiation
14. The action of oestrogen on the accessory genital organs after their differentiation, with a special reference to inguinal hernia
15. The action of oestrogen on the accessory genital organs (continued)
16. The action of oestrogen on the accessory genital organs (continued)
17. The effects of oestrogen on the mamma
18. Factors in the causation of mammary cancer
19. The effects of oestrogen on connective tissues and skin
20. The action of oestrogen on organs other than those considered in earlier chapters
Part V. Progestins
21. Progestins
22. Progestins (continued). The biological actions of progestin
Part VI. Sex Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex
23. Sex hormones of the adrenal cortex