Bullying in Schools: How Successful Can Interventions Be?

Bullying in Schools: How Successful Can Interventions Be?

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Ken Rigby Edited by Peter K. Smith
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 1st Edition, 10/21/2004
EAN 9780521821193, ISBN10: 0521821193

Hardcover, 356 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.4 cm
Language: English

Bullying in Schools: How Successful Can Interventions Be? is a comparative account of the major intervention projects against school bullying that have been carried out by educationalists and researchers since the 1980s, across Europe, North America and Australasia. Bullying in schools has become an international focus for concern. It can adversely affect pupils and in extreme cases lead to suicide. Schools can take action to reduce bullying and several programs are available but do they work? In fact, success rates have been very varied. This book surveys thirteen studies and eleven countries. Working on the principle that we can learn from both successes and failures, it examines the processes as well as the outcomes, and critically assesses the likely reasons for success or failure. With contributions from leading researchers in the field, Bullying in Schools is an important addition to the debate on tackling school bullying.

List of figures
List of tables
Notes on contributors
1. Working to prevent school bullying
key issues Ken Rigby, Peter K. Smith and Debra Pepler
2. The Olweus Bullying Prevention Programme
design and implementation issues and a new national initiative in Norway Dan Olweus
3. Is the direct approach to reducing bullying always the best? David Galloway and Erling Roland
4. Implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention programme in the South-eastern United States Susan P. Limber, Maury Nation, Allison J. Tracy, Gary B. Melton and Vicki Flerx
5. Prevention of bullying in German schools
an evaluation of an anti-bullying approach Reiner Hanewinkel
6. England
the Sheffield project Peter K. Smith, Sonia Sharp, Mike Eslea and David Thompson
7. Making a difference in bullying
evaluation of a systemic school-based programme in Canada Debra J. Pepler, Wendy M. Craig, Paul O'Connell, Rona Atlas and Alice Charach
8. Interventions against bullying in Flemish schools
programme development and evaluation Veerle Stevens, Paulette van Oost and Ilse de Bourdeaudhuij
9. SAVE model
an anti-bullying intervention in Spain Rosario Ortega, Rosario Del Rey and Joaquín A. Mora-Merchán
10. Australia
the Friendly Schools project Donna Cross, Margaret Hall, Greg Hamilton, Yolanda Pintabona and Erin Erceg
11. The Expect Respect project
preventing bullying and sexual harassment in US elementary schools Barri Rosenbluth, Daniel J. Whitaker, Ellen Sanchez and Linda Anne Valle
12. A follow-up survey of anti-bullying interventions in the comprehensive schools of Kempele in 1990–98 Maila Koivisto
13. Targeting the group as a whole
the Finnish anti-bullying intervention Christina Salmivalli, Ari Kaukiainen, Marinus Voeten and Mirva Sinisammal
14. Ireland
the Donegal Primary Schools' anti-bullying project Astrid Mona O'Moore and Stephen James Minton
15. Bernese programme against victimisation in kindergarten and elementary school Françoise D. Alsaker
16. Looking back and looking forward
implications for making interventions work effectively Debra Pepler, Peter K. Smith and Ken Rigby
Author index
Subject index.