Cancer Screening
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reissue, 5/27/2011
EAN 9780521116947, ISBN10: 0521116945
Paperback, 458 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 2.4 cm
Language: English
Screening is regarded as a cost-effective and clinically useful approach for the early diagnosis of several malignancies, especially such common cancers as those of the breast and the cervix. This 1991 is a publication from the Project on evaluation of Screening for Cancer, organized by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC), one of the world's foremost agencies in the field of cancer epidemiology and control. It contains recommendations from the international authorities on cancers for which screening is used. Findings from studies in many countries are presented and evaluated, and methodological issues are also discussed. This is an influential and authoritative statement on the scope of cancer screening. It will be of interest to oncologists, epidemiologists and others in the public health field.
Part I. Screening for Breast Cancer
State of the Art on Breast Cancer Screening
1. Sensitivity and specificity of screening in the UK trial of early detection of breast cancer
2. Screening for breast cancer in Finland
3. The Swedish two-county trial of mammographic screening for breast cancer
recent results on mortality and tumour characteristics
4. The Malmö mammographic screening trial
5. The Canadian national breast screening study
6. The USSR/Germany/WHO BSE study and global strategies for the control of breast cancer
7. A cost-effectiveness approach to breast cancer screening
8. Summary of the discussion on breast cancer screening
Part II. Screening for Colorectal Cancer
State of the Art on Screening for Colorectal Cancer
9. Colon cancer control study
status and current issues
10. An update on the Nottingham trial of faecal occult blood screening and rescreening of 51 325 subject
12. Interim report on a randomised trial of screening for colorectal cancer with Hemoccult-II
13. Case-control evaluation of colorectal cancer screening in the Federal Republic of Germany
14. Summary of the discussion on colorectal cancer screening
Part III. Screening of Cancer for the Cervix
State of the Art on Screening for Cancer of the Cervix
15. The natural history of cancer of the cervix, and the implications for screening policy
16. Effect of organized screening on the risk of cervical cancer in the Nordic countries
17. The organisation of cervical screening in England and Wales
18. Indications for colposcopy from a UK viewpoint
19. Screening for cervix cancer in developing countries
20. Summary of the discussion on screening for cancer of the cervix
Part IV. Screening for Ovarian Cancer
State of the Art on Screening for Ovarian Cancer
21. Tumour markers in screening for ovarian cancer
22. Phase I investigation for early diagnosis of ovarian carcinoma
what problems are to be expected in a larger screening programme?
23. Screening for ovarian cancer
24. Summary of the discussion on screening for ovarian cancer
Part V. Screening for Malignant Melanoma
State of the Art on Screening for Melanoma
25. Screening and early diagnosis for melanoma in Australia and New Zealand
26. Screening for melanoma in the UK
27. Screening for melanoma/skin cancer in the United States
28. The dysplastic naevus syndrome
implications for screening
29. Summary of the discussion on screening for melanoma of the skin
Part VI. Screening for Prostate Cancer
State of the Art on Screening for Prostate Cancer
30. Issue in screening for prostate cancer
31. Available screening tests for prostate cancer
32. Evaluation of screening for prostate, lung and colorectal cancers :the PLC trial
33. Summary of the discussion on screening for cancer of the prostate
Part VII. Screening for Neuroblastoma
State of the Art on Screening for Neuroblastoma
34. Neuroblastoma
studies in Japan
35. Screening for neuroblastoma, background, preliminary experience in the North of England and proposals for an evaluative study
36. Summary of the discussion on screening for neuroblastoma
Part VIII. Screening for Stomach Cancer
State of the Art on Screening for Stomach Cancer
37. Evaluation of mass screening programme for stomach cancer in Japan
38. Summary for the discussion of screening for stomach cancer
Part IX. Screening for Nasopharyngeal Cancer
State of the Art on Screening for Nasopharyngeal Cancer
39. Screening for nasopharyngeal carcinoma
40. Summary of the discussion on screening for nasopharyngeal cancer
Part X. Methodological Issues
41. Surrogate measures in the design of breast screening trials
42. Recent developments in cancer screening modeling
43. Case-control studies of screening
44. Summary of the discussion on new approaches to the evaluation of screening.